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Multiculture Happiness Plus Plan

한국어 日本語 中文 Việt Filipino ភាសាខ្មែរ Russian
  • Busan helps multicultural families be happy.
  • Busan implements various programs for the easier settlement and stable living of multicultural families who are not familiar with daily lives in Korea and promotes social integration.

Customized Support for Multicultural Children and Youth to Growth Stage

1. Multicultural Childcare Sharing
  • Object : Marriage immigrants who use the Multicultural Family Support Center and their children
  • Contents : Providing childcare information, using spare time, setting and running multicultural childcare sharing place for the smooth functioning
  • Organization in charge: Buk-gu Multicultural Family Support Center
    • Multi-cultural family support center: Busanjin-gu, Buk-gu, Haeundae-gu
    • Family center: Seo-gu, Dong-gu, Yeongdo-gu, Dongnae-gu, Saha-gu, Suyeong-gu, Sasang-gu, Geumjeong-gu
2. Supporting Multicultural Children for Basic Learning
  • Object : Multicultural pre-schoolers and elementary students
  • Contents : Study support including basic Hangeul, math, reading and writing, and guides to help adaptation to elementary school and education system
  • Organization in charge: Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
    • 11 places to support study of pre-schoolers, lower grades in elementary school (Seo-gu, Dong-gu, Yeong-do, Busanjin, Dongnae, Buk-gu, Haeundae, Saha, Geumjeong, Suyeong, Sasang-gu)
    • 3 places to support study of High grades in elementary school(Busanjin, Buk-gu, Saha-gu)
3. Financial Support for Educational Activity of Low-income Multicultural Family
  • Object : Elementary, middle and high school students from multicultural family who belong to the median income more than 50% and less than 100%
    ※ Based on the National Health Insurance copay
  • Contents
    • Casework to support study to enhance learning ability and financial support(cash) to purchase learning materials, sign in to study rooms or online learning ☞ 400,000 KRW for elementary students, 500,000 KRW for middle school students, 600,000 KRW for high school students
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center(Gu-offices in Jung-gu and Gangseo-gu)
4. Supporting Bilingual Books for Multicultural Children
  • Contents : Reading bilingual children’s books or book rental
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
5. Supporting Visit Study Materials for Multicultural Children
  • Object : Multicultural children(3 yr – elementary student)
  • Contents : Professional visit-study teachers visit the family to teach Korean and main subjects in the elementary years
  • Organization in charge : ChildFund Korea
6. Supporting Customized Multicultural Youth Career Program
  • Object : 7-18 yr. multicultural children, multicultural family immigrating to Korea, children from expat family
  • Contents : Career or job-seeking counseling and tests to help find their aptitudes and career
  • Organizations in charge : 3 Multicultural Family Support Centers(Busanjin, Buk-gu, Haeundae-gu), 4 Family Centers(Seo-gu, Dong-gu, Saha-gu, Sasang-gu)
7. Visit Study
  • Object : Families of vulnerable social group who cannot easily use Multicultural Support Center
  • Contents :
    • Korean class : 1-4 level Korean classes, vocabulary·grammar·culture, etc.
    • Parents class : child nurturing, family counseling and emotional support, sharing information, etc.
    • Child life service : reading coaching, homework coaching, basic life habits, career lessons, etc.
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
8. Supporting Children’s Linguistic Development
  • Object : Multicultural children, etc. who need linguistic development(under 12 yr)
  • Contents : Twice/week, 40 mi./class, 1:1 or group lessons
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
9. Supporting Bilingual Education
  • Object : Multicultural family with children 18yr or younger
  • Contents : Bilingual parent coaching, parent-child interaction program, bilingual-using program, family coaching, direct bilingual learning
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center

Support for Marriage Immigrants by Period

1. Supporting Educational Promotion of Marriage Immigrant Women
  • Object : Marriage immigrant women
  • Contents : Elementary, middle, high school qualification examination classes
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
2. Nationality Acquisition Class
  • Object : Marriage immigrants
  • Contents : Supporting basic learning about Korean history, politics, culture, etc.
  • Inquiry : 6 Multicultural Family Support Centers and Family Centers(Seo-gu, Dong-gu, Busanjin, Buk-gu, Haeundae, Saha-gu)
3. Medical Emergency Service
(1) Translation service for foreign expats visiting medical institutes
  • Object : Foreign expats who need medical translation
  • Available languages : 16 languages including english, Filipino, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.
  • How to apply
    • (In-house interpretation) Busan Medical Center / 8 interpreters(3 Vietnamese, 3 Chinese, 1 Filipino, 1 Russian)
      ※ Timetable for interpretation(09:00~17:00)
    • 요일별 Prior training 로 구성된 표
      Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
      Chinese Vietnamese
      Chinse Vietnamese
    • (Escort interpretation) All medical institutes across Busan / Medical interpreters from 15 countries
  • Organization in charge
    • (In-house) Busan Foreign Residents Center
    • (Escort interpretation) Busan Foreign Residents Center, Busan Global City Foundation
(2) Emergency Medical Expense Support
  • Object : Marriage immigrant women·children who haven’t acquired nationality, foreign expat workers·children, refugees, etc.
  • Contents : Admission, operation, any other pre/post events
  • Organization in charge : 6 hospitals(Busan Medical Center, Pusan National University Hospital, Good Samsun Hospital, Korea Population, Health and Welfare Association, Daedong Hospital, Ilsin Christian Hospital)
4. Free Comprehensive Health Checkup for Low-income Multicultural Family
  • Period : April-May
  • Object : Low-income multicultural family
  • Contents : Providing free comprehensive health checkup for 100 people/year(500,000 KRW/person)
  • Organization in charge : Korea Medical Institute, Busan
  • Inquiry : Busan Women and Family Bureau(☎ 888-1542)
Establishing Emergency Support System for Marriage Immigrant Women
(1) Immigrant women shelter : 1 shelter(up to 2 years, room and board, counseling, medical treatment, support to leave Korea, etc.)
(2) Emergency Support Center(Danuri Call Center Busan) : 1 place(☎ 1577-1366)
  • Regions : Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam
  • Available languages : 13 languages including Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Cambodian, Russian, etc.
  • 24-hour Hot-Line, preventing domestic violence, connection to shelters, interpretation support, etc.
6. Support for Employment of Marriage Immigrants
  • Contents : With prior education after recruiting marriage immigrants preparing for employment(Korean, vocational education, computer, etc.), integrated support is provided for the immigrant to advance to appropriate field in connection with Saeil Center or other vocational training institutes.
  • Organization in charge : Busanjin-gu Multicultural Family Support Center, Saha-gu Family Center
    ☞ Operation method : Prior training(1-5 months) + Vocational training(1-5 months)
    Prior Training
    (Family Center) Recruitment for marriage immigrants, prior training, specialized Korean lesson
    Development of Specialized Vocational Training for Marriage Immigrants
    (Training institute) Planning and developing demand-oriented vocational training process
    (Training institute)
    Operating the vocational training
    (Saeil Center, Family Center)Connected employment and current status identification, etc.
7. Internship Connection for Marriage Immigrants
  • Object : Marriage immigrant women applying for employment process
  • Contents : Company-connected internship, support fund, etc.
  • Inquiry : 11 Women Saero Work Centers(☎ 1544-1199)
8. Employment·Start-up Programs for Marriage Immigrants
  • Object : Marriage immigrants, etc.
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
    ※ Dongnae-gu(Start-up support program), Buk-gu(Driver’s license training, Dagaon cafe), Haeundae-gu(Ca phe Viet), Gijang-gun(Barista and Brad Making Craftsman, children’s cuisine license class)
9. Support Marriage Immigrants’ Life Convenience

    (1) EMS(Express Mail Service) Discount : Post offices in Busan

  • Contents : 10% discount for EMS to the marriage immigrant’s home country▹ Alien Registration Card or Family Relation Certificate required
  • (2)Bank Commission Discount for Overseas Remittance, etc. : Busan Bank

  • Contents : Commission exemptions for overseas remittance and 80% favorable exchange rage(USD, JPY), etc. ▹Alien Registration Card or Family Relation Certificate required
  • (3) Multi-language Service for Disaster and Safety Information

  • Emergency Ready App : Emergency alarm messages in English and Chinese
    Busan Global City Foundation Global Center Website : Covid guidelines, etc. in 6 languages(Korean, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Russian)
10. Empowerment for Marriage Immigrants(Korean class)
  • Object : Marriage immigrants, multicultural children immigrating to Korea, etc.
  • Contents : Special-purpose, practical Korean lessons(7 courses including employment, TOPIK, etc.)
  • Organization in charge : 16 organizations(Multicultural Family Support Center, Family Center, Community Welfare Center, etc.)
11. Translation and Interpretation for Marriage Immigrants
  • Object : Multicultural family and individual/institute supporting multicultural family directly/indirectly
  • Contents : Translation·interpretation, providing information, etc.
  • Organization in charge : 13 Multicultural Family Support Centers and Family Centers ▹ Vietnamese : Nam-gu, Dong-gu, Busanjin-gu, Dongnae-gu, Buk-gu, Haeundae-gu, Saha-gu, Sasang-gu, Gijang-gun, Seo-gu, Geumjeong-gu, Yeongdo-gu, Yeonje-gu
12. Income Support for Multicultural Low-income Single Parent
  • Object : Multicultural low-income single parent
  • Contents : Child support expense(210,000KRW/month), school supply expense for middle and high school students(93,000KRW/year)
  • Inquiry : Gu·Gun Community Center for consultation and application

Increasing Acceptability for Multiculture based on Mutual-respect

1. Enhancing Family Counseling
  • Object : Multicultural family members
  • Contents : Counseling service to improve multicultural couple·parents·children relationship and family conflicts, etc.
  • Inquiry : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
2. Improving Gender Equality·Human Right Awareness within Family
  • Object : Multicultural family members
  • Contents : Gender equality education, human right awareness education, etc.
  • Organization in charge : Multicultural Family Support Center and Family Center
3. Education to Understand Multiculture
  • Object : Public officers, general citizens, facility operators, marriage immigrants, etc.
  • Contents : Special lectures about multicultural society and multicultural awareness
  • Inquiry : Busan Women and Family Bureau(☎ 888-1544)
4. Representative Meeting for Marriage Immigrants
  • Members : 16 members(recommendation by Gu․Gun)
  • Current status : Members in consideration of their nationality, age, duration of marriage, etc.
  • Meeting : 2 times a year
  • Contents : Meeting about difficulties multicultural families have when adapt to Korean society, listening to their opinions, etc.
5. Interchange and Communication Space for Multicultural Family
  • Contents : Community between multicultural families, open space connected to the local community, self-help group support, childcare support programs, etc.
  • Organization in charge : 4 Multicultural Family Support Centers and Family Centers(Dong-gu, Buk-gu, Haeundae-gu, Saha-gu)
6. The 19th Busan Global Gathering
  • Objects : Foreign expats and citizens in Busan
  • Contents : Every May, global gathering for interchange and communication between foreign expats and citizens in Busan(pre-ceremony performance, opening ceremony, sisterhood-cities performance, cultural experience booth, etc.)
7. Establishing Global Environment and Global Citizenship Education
  • Object : Elementary-University students and general public in Busan
  • Contents : Cultures and global issues of each country, etc.
  • Inquiry : Busan Global City Foundation(☎ 711-6878)

Reinforcing Foundation for Multicultural Family Policy

  • Object of the project : To reinforce the role of the Multicultural Family Support Center and the hub centers and develop community-oriented multicultural family service utilizing the local resource and relevant organizations
  • Contents
    • Consulting about how to run local centers
    • Improving efficiency by sharing excellent cases, etc.
    • Enhancing sustainable information share and cooperation network among centers
  • Supervisor : Busan Metropolitan City, Nam-gu Multicultural Family Support Center(Hub Center)

Current Status of Multicultural Families

2022.11.1. Standard / (unit: people)

Current Status of Multicultural Families
Areas Grand Total Immigrants by Marriage។ Children (including the naturalized and non-Korean nationality)
Total Male Female Non-naturalized Naturalized
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 27,389 8,897 18,492 14,265 2,288 11,977 7,204 1,438 5,766 7,061 850 6,211 13,124 6,609 6,515
Jung-gu 397 131 266 253 56 197 132 30 102 121 26 95 144 75 69
Seo-gu 865 273 592 476 75 401 221 35 186 255 40 215 389 198 191
Dong-gu 979 319 660 560 109 451 261 47 214 299 62 237 419 210 209
Yeongdo-gu 1,076 318 758 552 59 493 233 25 208 319 34 285 524 259 265
Busanjin-gu 2,477 780 1,697 1,307 184 1,123 674 119 555 633 65 568 1,170 596 574
Dongnae-gu 1,384 437 947 692 89 603 357 56 301 335 33 302 692 348 344
Nam-gu 1,857 606 1,251 902 143 759 454 95 359 448 48 400 955 463 492
Buk-gu 2,248 718 1,530 1,097 125 972 501 65 436 596 60 536 1,151 593 558
Haeundae-gu 2,843 1,090 1,753 1,450 374 1,076 852 291 561 598 83 515 1,393 716 677
Saha-gu 3,284 998 2,286 1,728 204 1,524 807 114 693 921 90 831 1,556 794 762
Geumjeong-gu 1,514 483 1031 805 123 682 395 70 325 410 53 357 709 360 349
Gangseo-gu 1,431 482 949 727 141 586 397 88 309 330 53 277 704 341 363
Yeonje-gu 1,150 382 768 568 83 485 304 49 255 264 34 230 582 299 283
Suyeong-gu 1,300 466 834 690 166 524 404 115 289 286 51 235 610 300 310
Sasang-gu 2,913 852 2,061 1,584 210 1,374 728 147 581 856 63 793 1,329 642 687
Gijang-gun 1,671 562 1109 874 147 727 484 92 392 390 55 335 797 415 382


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