- Life Innovation with city-bots
- Learn-Work-Play integration
- Intelligent administration and management
- Smart water
- Zero-energy city
- Smart education &living
- Smart healthcare
- Smart mobility
- Smart safety
- Smart park
04 Smart Water
Show-casing the collection of water management technologies for the restoration of natural water cycle in the city (rain-stream-water treatment-waste water-reuse) and to develop a specialized waterfront city the public can trust

Precipitation monitoring & urban/water-related disaster response
Small-sized precipitation forecast radars and prepare for flooding and integrated water-related disaster response system

Low impact development (LID)
Customized green infrastructure at public facilities, lands, and buildings

Stream quality improvement
Eco-filtering system to improve the natural water source quality

Water recycling system
Highly advanced treatment for 100 water reuse

Smart water management (SWM)
ICT application in all water supply processes for live monitoring and remote control of water quality and quantity

Smart water treatment plant
Multi-story water treatment facilities for supplying freshly treat water from locations that are closer to users