Busan City Hall

City Government



  • Population: About 319,000
  • Area: 19.307㎢
  • Major Industries: Commerce·Trade·Education
  • Contact Information
    • Office: International and Public Relations
    • Address: • 1 Vas, Georgiou A 546 40, Thessaloniki, Greece
    • Phone: • +30 2313 317167
    • Fax: +30 2310 877186
    • Website: http://www.thessaloniki.gr/

At a Glance

Founded around 315 BC, the city of Thessaloniki is the second-largest city in Greece and the capital of Macedonia. The city was named after the wife of King Cassander of Macedon, 'Thessalonike'. It is well-known as the birthplace of the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, and as the place where the Apostle Paul set up an early church. Geographically, it is located on the ancient Via Egnatia road that connects the Adriatic Sea and the city of Byzantium (now Istanbul). Besides Athens, it is the only city in Greece with universities.

Mayor Hur Nam-sik of Busan Metropolitan City and Mayor Vassilios Papageorgopoulos of Thessaloniki City signed a sister city agreement at Busan City Hall on March 8, 2010.