

Public Safety

Forest Fire: Emergency Response Guidlines

Emergency Response Guidelines
Korea Forest Service
Forest Fire
Report the fire to 119.
When the forest fire is small, initially put it out by beating or covering it with coats, branches, etc.
If the forest fire is getting bigger, promptly get away from the fire and keep goin g to windward to a safe place.
When you cannot afford to evacuate, lie low in a place without fallen leaves or branches, with your face covered, until the flames pass.
Preventio Fire Watch period (Spring Feb. 1-May 15, Fall: Nov, 1-Dec. 15)
Before mountain climbing, visit the Korea Forest Service website to check unrestricted and accessible trails.
It is not allowed to carry any flammable objects such as matches, lighters, etc
in mountains and to smoke.
Cooking and camping are not allowed in mountains.
Allowed only in designated camping sites and shelters

Emergency Response Guidelines

Emergency Preparedness Information

The City of Busan has published emergency preparedness information in case of fire or earthquake for the safety of foreign residents in 13 different languages. The 13 foreign languages include English, Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Khmer, Tagalog, Mongolian, Burmese, Russian, Uzbek, Nepali, Lao and Thai.

Earthquake Safety Tips

Earthquake Safety Tips It's dangerous! Quickly, but calmly.

Safety e-Report

Safety e-Report Report risk factors in daily lives to the Safety e-Report

National Disaster and Safety Portal

National Disaster and Safety Portal  Disaster Alerts | Safety Guidelines | Embassy Information | Facility Information

Emergency Information Service in Mobile

Emergency Ready App

Korean Ministry of the Interior and Safety provides the English, Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese language versions of its “Emergency Ready” App for smartphones and tablets, providing emergency information service for foreigners in Korea.

Android QR code iOS QR code
Life in Busan