Designate and manage Emission Control Areas (ECA) along the city’s coast
Convert fuel for yard tractors and government vessels from diesel to LNG by 2022
Expand the use of environmentally-friendly vehicles
Introduce remote sensing of motor vehicle exhaust emissions
Pilot project regarding the establishment of an air pollution prevention facility for 25 small businesses, and the strengthening of air pollution inspections of businesses
Strengthen management oversight within construction sites
Operate street sweepers to reduce re-suspended road dust
Expand urban forests
Designate safe fine dust-free zones for children
Establish a pilot project in two locations to create a standardized model for fine dust-free school zones
Install air purifiers in 1,897 daycare centers and 366 kindergartens in 2018
Install air purifiers in all 628 elementary, middle and high schools.
Create school forests in 30 locations by 2022
Eliminate street parking spaces within school zones
Ensure underground shopping centers have cleaner air and more pleasant environments
Establish air quality measurements on a regular basis and alert systems in 6 underground areas by 2022
Purchase special cleaning equipment for public pedestrian walkways
Create green resting places in 8 locations
Implement emergency countermeasures against high fine dust levels
When elevated fine dust levels are expected, enforce emergency dust reduction measures - driving restrictions, change in operating hours at emission facilities and construction sites
When issuing a fine dust warning, reduce government vehicle operations by half and enforce a mandatory ‘alternate no-driving day’ policy for all city workers
Emergency operation of road cleaning, water wagon de-dusting vehicles
Reduce incineration by 20 percent at large-scale incineration plants and cut fuel usage at air pollution discharge facilities.
Improve public confidence through precise air quality management and the prompt sharing of situational information
Utilize a one-click disaster propagation system and display the information at approximately 450 metro platforms
Add an additional seven air pollution monitoring stations
Offer high density fine dust alert monitors to 5,188 agencies, including daycare centers, schools and facilities for the elderly