Busan City Hall

City Government

What is a 15-Minute City?

An urban planning model in which six essential functions—daily necessities, work, shopping, healthcare, education, and leisure—can all be reached within a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point in the city

 15-Minute City visual

*This concept was coined by Professor Carlos Moreno of Sorbonne University and promoted by Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo as a response to climate change and infectious disease outbreaks.


Busan, a 15-Minute City with a lively culture and friendly neighbors


  • Close to Home


    Improving the quality of life through walkability and proximity

  • Together with Neighbors


    Reviving and energizing communities through the establishment of shared spaces

  • Clean Environment


    Advancing a sustainable city committed to eco-friendly practices, including open green areas and resource recycling

접근성 : 보행 - 보행 이동이 편리한, 건강/돌봄 - 촘촘한 돌봄/케어, 일자리 - 직주근접 일자리
                생태성 : 그린 - 생활형 오픈스페이스, 제3의공간 - 경계없는 생활공간, 에코라이프 - 생활 속 친환경
                연대성 : 교육문화 - 함께 배우는 문화, 공동체 - 동네생활 플랫폼, 주거 - 다양한 주거유형

01 Close to Home:


By placing fundamental services within a short distance, we promote convenience through walking, the most basic form of human transportation

  • Build up the principles for walkable neighborhoods
  • Adapt a personal mobility ecosystem to minimize reliance on cars and mass transportation
  • Expand and connect social interaction places by utilizing underused public and private facilities
  • Boost intergenerational communication by integrating age-specific venues, such as Deullak Nallak and HA-HA Center


  • #Galmaetgil
  • #Car-free Streets
  • #Inclined Elevators/Escalators
  • #Deullak Nallak
  • #HA-HA Center
  • #Recreational Amenities
  • #Transit-oriented Development
  • #Campus Town
  • #Local Business
  • #Job Opportunities

02 Together with Neighbors:


We recognize the core of communal living, rooted in the relationships among people, life, and space.

  • Support self-sustaining community activities, including schools, apartments, and sports clubs
  • Facilitate a culture of social contribution through Busan’s Volunteer Time Bank
  • Create and distribute a shared digital community platform, such as a real-time neighborhood map


  • #Community Activity Support
  • #Shared Space Platform
  • #Community Program Platform
  • #My Neighborhood Digital App
  • #Dodam Housing/Dodam Town
  • #Busan’s Volunteer Time Bank

03 Clean Environment:


We open up lifestyle-focused shared spaces by transforming urban areas into ecological environments closely linked to daily life.

  • Increase green infrastructure, such as linear parks and 24-hour open parks
  • Achieve carbon neutrality by reducing carbon footprints and encouraging personal mobility options, like e-bike sharing


  • #Open Parks
  • #Green Carpet
  • #Smart Farms
  • #Carbon Footprint
  • #Personal Mobility
  • #Local Food Centers
  • #Carbon Zero Buildings

Visit the 15-Minute City Busan website to learn more (Korean)