Busan City Hall

City Government


Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases and Support for Damage

By Agriculture & Livestock Distribution Division Dec 16, 2024 57  Views

Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases and Support for Damage

Enforcement Date 22. May, 2024.

Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance No. 7313, 22. May, 2024., Enactment

  • Article 1 (Purpose)
  • The purpose of this ordinance is to stipulate the necessary measures for preventing the outbreak and spread of contagious animal diseases and providing support for damages, in accordance with the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases.
  • Article 2 (Definitions)
  • The terms used in this ordinance follow the definitions provided in Article 2 of the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases (hereinafter referred to as “Act”).
  • Article 3 (Responsibilities of the Mayor)
  • (1) The Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as “Mayor”) shall establish and implement policies necessary for the prevention of contagious animal diseases, containment of their spread, and support for damages (hereinafter referred to as “prevention of contagious animal diseases, etc.”).
  • (2) Animal owners or managers must take necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of contagious animal diseases by maintaining cleanliness and conducting periodic disinfection of facilities such as farms and apiaries, and by providing training on preventing contagious animal diseases to employees.
  • Article 4 (Contagious Animal Disease Prevention and Management Plan)
  • The Mayor shall establish and implement a contagious animal disease prevention and management plan (hereinafter referred to as “management plan”) every three years in accordance with Article 3 of the Act, to prevent the outbreak of contagious animal diseases and contain their spread.
  • Article 5 (Support Projects)
  • The Mayor may, within the scope of the budget, provide support to animal owners for the following matters related to the prevention of contagious animal diseases, etc.:
    • 1. Compensation as stipulated in Article 48 of the Act
    • 2. Support for business closures as stipulated in Article 48-2 of the Act
    • 3. Support for livelihood stability as stipulated in Article 49 of the Act
    • 4. Support for psychological and mental health treatment as stipulated in Article 49-2 of the Act
    • 5. Support for expenses as stipulated in Article 50 of the Act
    • 6. Other matters deemed necessary by the Mayor for the prevention of contagious animal diseases, etc.
  • Article 6 (Establishment of Animal Disease Control Council)
  • (1) The Mayor shall establish the Busan Metropolitan City Animal Disease Control Council (hereinafter referred to as “Council”) to deliberate on major policies related to contagious animal disease control, in accordance with Article 4 of the Act.
  • (2) The Council shall deliberate and resolve the following matters:
    • 1. Establishment and implementation of the management plan
    • 2. Investigation and research on contagious animal diseases
    • 3. Establishment and implementation of emergency disease control measures for specific contagious animal diseases
    • 4. Cooperation measures with relevant organizations for contagious animal disease control
    • 5. Other matters related to the management and control of contagious animal diseases, as referred to the Council for deliberation by the Mayor or the Chairperson.
  • Article 7 (Organization of the Council)
  • (1) The Council shall consist of up to 15 members, including a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be the Director of the Marine, Agriculture, and Fisheries Bureau, and the Vice-Chairperson shall be selected from among the appointed members.
  • (2) Ex-officio members shall be the heads of departments responsible for contagious animal disease control, and appointed members shall be selected by the Mayor, taking gender into consideration, from among the following individuals:
    • 1. Public officials from the Yeongnam Regional Office of the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency
    • 2. Public officials from district or county offices responsible for contagious animal disease control
    • 3. Veterinarians as defined in subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Veterinarians Act
    • 4. Regional animal cooperative heads as defined in subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act
    • 5. Representatives of producer organizations as defined in subparagraph 5 of Article 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Agriculture, Rural Communities, and Food Industries
    • 6. University professors specializing in veterinary, animal, medical, or environmental fields
    • 7. Individuals with extensive knowledge and experience in contagious animal disease control
  • (3) The term of appointed members shall be two years, with the possibility of reappointment for one additional term.
  • Article 8 (Operation of the Council)
  • (1) The Chairperson shall convene meetings of the Council and preside over them.
  • (2) Meetings of the Council shall be convened with the attendance of a majority of the members, and resolutions shall be adopted by a majority vote of the those present.
  • (3) To facilitate efficient operation, one secretary shall be assigned to the Council, and this role shall be filled by the official responsible for contagious animal disease control.
  • Article 9 (Establishment of Council for Compensation for Damage Caused by Contagious Animal Diseases)
  • (1) The Mayor shall establish the Busan Metropolitan City Council for Compensation for Damage Caused by Contagious Animal Diseases (hereinafter referred to as “Council”) to ensure prompt and fair compensation and support for animal owners or facilities affected by contagious animal diseases (hereinafter referred to as “victims of contagious animal diseases”), in accordance with Article 48-3 of the Act.
  • (2) The Council shall deliberate and resolve matters related to compensation and support for business losses incurred by victims of contagious animal diseases, as stipulated in Article 48-3(1) of the Act and Article 11-5(1) of its Enforcement Decree.
  • Article 10 (Composition of the Council)
  • (1) The Council shall consist of up to 10 members, including a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be the head of the department responsible for contagious animal disease control, and the Vice-Chairperson shall be selected from among the appointed members.
  • (2) Ex officio members shall be public officials from the department responsible for contagious animal disease control, and appointed members shall be selected by the Mayor, taking gender into consideration, from among the following individuals:
    • 1. Public officials from district or county offices responsible for contagious animal disease control
    • 2. Veterinarians as defined in subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Veterinarians Act
    • 3. Licensed appraisers as defined in Article 11 of the Act on Appraisal and Certified Appraisers
    • 4. Individuals with extensive knowledge and experience in appraisal and compensation
  • (3) The Council shall be formed when a relevant matter arises and shall dissolve automatically after the deliberation and resolution of the matter.
  • Article 11 (Operation of the Council)
  • (1) The Chairperson shall convene and preside over Council meetings.
  • (2) The Council shall promptly hold meetings in any of the following cases:
    • 1. When a request for the convening of the Council is made by the head of a district or county, in accordance with Article 11-5 of the Enforcement Decree
    • 2. When the Mayor or the Chairperson deems it necessary to provide compensation and support for the victims of contagious animal diseases
  • (3) Meetings of the Council shall be convened with the attendance of a majority of the members, and resolutions shall be adopted by a majority vote of the those present.
  • Article 12 (Establishment of a Cooperation System)
  • The Mayor shall establish a cooperation system with central administrative agencies, relevant organizations, and groups to prevent the outbreak and spread of contagious animal diseases and to effectively implement quarantine measures and post-management measures.


Ordinance No. 7313, 22. May, 2024.

  • This ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.