Busan City Hall

City Government


Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on the Management of Motorcycle Noise

By Environmental Policy Division Dec 16, 2024 43  Views

Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on the Management of Motorcycle Noise

Enforcement Date 14. June, 2024.

Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance No. 7259, 3. April, 2024., Enacted

  • Article 1 (Purpose)
  • The purpose of this Ordinance is to stipulate the necessary measures for managing and preventing motorcycle noise, thereby ensuring that citizens can live in a pleasant and quiet environment.
  • Article 2 (Definitions)
  • The terms used in this Ordinance shall be as defined in Article 2 of the Noise and Vibration Control Act (hereinafter referred to as "Act") and Articles 2 and 3 of the Motor Vehicle Management Act.
  • Article 3 (Responsibilities of the Mayor)
  • The Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as "Mayor") shall formulate and promote policies for managing motorcycle noise and preventing noise-related harm to create a pleasant and healthy living environment for citizens.
  • Article 4 (Relation to Other Ordinances)
  • Unless otherwise stipulated in other ordinances, the management of motorcycle noise shall be governed by this Ordinance.
  • Article 5 (Formulation and Implementation of the Management Plan)
  • (1) The Mayor shall formulate and implement a management plan (hereinafter referred to as "Management Plan") for motorcycle noise.
  • (2) The Management Plan may include the following:
    • 1. Strategies and measures for managing and reducing motorcycle noise
    • 2. Cooperation between Busan Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as "City") and districts and counties regarding motorcycle noise management
    • 3. Other necessary matters motorcycle noise management
  • (3) The Mayor may request districts, counties, and relevant agencies to submit data on motorcycle noise management performance when formulating and implementing the Management Plan.
  • (4) If the items listed in paragraph (2) are included in the annual implementation plan under Article 2-3 (5) of the Act, the Management Plan shall be deemed formulated.
  • Article 6 (Composition and Operation of the Motorcycle Noise Management Committee)
  • (1) A Motorcycle Noise Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Committee") may be established to deliberate and advise on the following matters:
    • 1. Formulation of the motorcycle noise management plan
    • 2. Support for necessary analysis related to motorcycle noise management
    • 3. Improvement of systems and regulations for managing motorcycle noise
    • 4. Other matters deemed necessary by the Mayor for managing motorcycle noise
  • (2) The Committee shall consist of up to 10 members, including a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
  • (3) The Chairperson shall be the Director of Environmental Policy, and the Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from among the members.
  • (4) The Committee members shall include the heads of motorcycle noise management departments and other relevant public officials. The Mayor shall appoint or commission the following individuals, considering gender balance:
    • 1. Officials in charge of motorcycle noise management in the City and districts/counties
    • 2. Representatives from the Autonomous Police Commission and the Busan Metropolitan Police Agency
    • 3. Experts from institutions specializing in transportation and noise management
    • 4. University professors and experts with knowledge and experience in transportation and noise management
    • 5. Representatives recommended by civic groups
  • (5) The term of office for Committee members shall last until the relevant agenda has been deliberated and advised upon.
  • (6) The Committee shall have one secretary, who shall be the team leader responsible for motorcycle noise management.
  • (7) Committee meetings shall be convened with a majority of the members in attendance and resolutions shall be passed by a majority vote of those present.
  • Article 7 (Education and Publicity)
  • (1) The Mayor may provide education for officials of districts and counties on managing motorcycle noise.
  • (2) The Mayor may entrust specialized institutions to conduct the education if necessary.
  • (3) The Mayor may provide financial support for the education entrusted under paragraph (2).
  • (4) The Mayor may produce and distribute promotional materials to motorcycle dealerships, repair shops, and related businesses to promote noise management and prevention.
  • (5) The Mayor may conduct other publicity projects deemed necessary to reduce motorcycle noise.
  • Article 8 (Guidance and Inspections)
  • (1) The Mayor, in cooperation with districts, counties, and relevant agencies, may conduct inspections and provide guidance on the following matters to maintain a peaceful living environment for citizens:
    • 1. Whether motorcycles comply with the operational noise standards under Article 35 of the Act
    • 2. Whether mufflers or noise covers have been removed
    • 3. Whether additional horns have been installed
  • (2) If violations are detected during the inspections in paragraph (1), the Mayor may issue corrective orders or take necessary measures under relevant laws.
  • (3) The Mayor may provide guidance to businesses selling or tuning unauthorized parts under the Motor Vehicle Management Act.
  • Article 9 (Support)
  • The Mayor may provide administrative and financial support to districts and counties for motorcycle noise-related guidance, inspections, and educational activities.
  • Article 10 (Rewards)
  • The Mayor may grant rewards to individuals, organizations, and relevant agencies that have contributed to motorcycle noise management, in accordance with the Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on Rewards.


Ordinance No. 7259, 3. April, 2024.

  • This ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.