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"Civilization of Turkey, Emperors in Istanbul" exhibition to be held at Busan Museum from October 9, 2012.

2012-10-09 1243  Views

To commemorate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Turkey, and the 10 year anniversary of the sister city relationship between Busan and Turkey, the Civilizations of Turkey, Emperors in Istanbul exhibition will be at Busan Museum from October 9, 2012 through January 27, 2013. The exhibition is co-hosted by KBS Busan HQ and the National Museum of Korea.

More than 150 artifacts and works of art were assembled from Turkey’s major museums to give viewers a comprehensive look into Turkey’s long and diverse cultural history. Turkey’s culture is particularly fascinating as it truly combines the cultural aspects of both East and West. Visitors can experience the exhibition with four major themes in chronological order: the ancient civilizations of Anatolia (Asia Minor), the Greek and Roman era, the Eastern Roman Empire, and the splendor of the Ottoman Empire.

The exhibition is like a crash course in the history of Turkey. Between the displays of artifacts, there are paintings, photographs, and screenings of historic sites. There is so much to take in all at once. Fortunately, the museum provides audio guides and guided tours with well-informed materials.

The Civilization of Turkey, Emperors in Istanbul
○ Period: October 9, 2012 - January 27, 2013  (Closed on Mondays and New Year's Day)
○ Venue: Busan Museum
○ Tickets: 10,000 won for adults / 9,000 won for middle and high school students / 7,000 won for elementary students / 5,000 won for children / 5,000 won for 65-year-olds and over
○ Opening Hours: 9a.m. - 8p.m. (Last admission is one hour before closing.)  
○ Website:
○ For more info.: 051)610-7142