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Media Art at Busan City Hall Deullak Nallak—A Feast of Colors and Light

2024-12-05 76  Views

Media Art in Busan
들락날락에서 만나는 색과 빛의 향연
색의 향연 a feast of colors
부산의형과 광 Shape and Light of Busan 
부산시청 들락날락 미디어아트 전시관
2024.11.25.(월)부터 매일 10:00-18:00

Media Art at Busan City Hall Deullak Nallak—A Feast of Colors and Light

□ New media art will be on display at Busan City Hall Deullak Nallak on November 25th, 2024.

□ The Media Art Gallery will be home to two works of art: ‘A Feast of Colors’ and ‘Shape and Light of Busan.’

○ Between July and November 2024, the Media Art Gallery Immersive Video project was conducted to produce two media artworks. These will be shown at the Media Art Gallery, starting on November 25th, and then on the Digital Media Wall in January 2025.

○ ‘A Feast of Colors’ is a five-minute work that abstractly recreates the vitality of nature to present an ecstasy of colors and light. It fuses two- and three-dimensional graphic technologies to create a vibrant visual exploration.

○ ‘Shape and Light of Busan,’ depicts a three-minute long broad spectrum display of hues and intensities of light portraying Busan and its natural environment, as well as its liveliness with different types of fluorescence.

□ On the Digital Media Wall, approximately ten works grouped by theme are displayed monthly. New media art content will continue to be developed at the city’s request.

○ The theme in November is ‘Whispering Light Remains,’ expressing the beautiful afterglow of light and colors that echoes like whispers amid nature.

○ The December theme, ‘Particles of Light,’ is a fresh interpretation of the physical waves of light and particle characteristics.

○ 'Flow and Afterimage,' slated for January of next year, will provide the audience with the aesthetic effect and sensory experience of afterimage.

Media Art in Busan

‘A Feast of Colors and Light at Deullak Nallak’

Venue: Media Art Gallery, Busan City Hall Deullak Nallak

Date & Hours: Every day at 10:00~18:00 from Monday, November 25th, 2024

Media Art Exhibition: ‘A Feast of Colors-Particles of Light’

Venue: Digital Media Wall, 1st Floor, Busan City Hall (Deullak Nallak)

Date: December 2024

Hours: 08:00~19:00 (New content runs daily from 08:00~14:00 and 16:00~19:00)

Media Art Exhibition: ‘A Feast of Colors-Flow and Afterimage’

Venue: Digital Media Wall, 1st Floor, Busan City Hall (Deullak Nallak)

Date: January 2025

Hours: 08:00~19:00 (New content runs daily from 08:00~14:00 and 16:00~19:00)