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Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest (until October 31)

2024-08-20 33  Views

마.이.부를 찾습니다. 
마.이.부(마! 이기 부산이다)
공모주제 ~한 도시, 부산
1. 아동이 가장 행복한 도시 
2. 생활체육전국도시
3. 커피도시
부산의 3가지 비전 중 택ㅂ하여 60초 이내의 숓츠제작
바다TV홈페이지  뉴미디어공모전  접수 게시판 
공모기간 2024.7.29(월)-10.31(목) 18:00까지
참여대상 전국민 또는 등록외국인(개인또는 단체)
심사방법 1차 자체심사 - 2차 심사위원회 심사
결과발표 2024.11.22(예정)
시상내역 총15편 선정 시상금 총500만원 

Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest (until October 31)

□ From July 29th to October 31st, 2024, Busan Metropolitan City will conduct a YouTube contest: Searching for MAIBU.

○ This contest aims to effectively communicate the city’s vision and leverage creative promotional ideas.

○ MAIBU stands for ‘Ma! Igi Busanida,’ meaning ‘Yo! This is Busan.’ The contest name embraces our desire to gather the fundamental and diverse characteristics of Busan seen from citizens’ perspectives.

□ Name: Searching for MAIBU

□ Theme: Busan, a ________ City

- Produce a short-form video relating to one of the three visions below and submit it.

[Choose one]

① Child-friendly city ② City of sports for all ③ City of coffee

□ Eligibility: Korean and foreign residents with residence card (individual or group)

□ Video length: 60 seconds or less

□ Period: from Monday, July 29th until Thursday, October 31st, 2024 at 18:00

□ Upload your work to your YouTube account with the hashtags—#부산공모전 #마이부를찾습니다 #부산튜브 #선정주제(예:생활체육천국도시)—and your application to the Contest Bulletin Board page on the website of BADATV (badatv.busan.go.kr).

○ All are welcome to enter, individually or as a team.

□ We will select 15 winners through an internal screening and a process overseen by the review committee. Mayoral certificates and a total of five million won in prize money will be granted.

○ The results will be announced in November via the city's official social networking services and BADATV.

□ We plan to actively utilize the award-winning entries as engaging promotional content by featuring them on BUSANTUBE, the city's official YouTube channel.