

News & Notices

Water Play Park at Eulsukdo Climate and Ecology Education Park

2024-07-25 19  Views

Eulsukdo Climate and Ecology Education Park 
사하구 을숙도기후생태교육공원 2024 물놀이장 
2024 운영기간 07.13.(토)-09.01.(일) 매주월요일, 우천 휴장  

Water Play Park at Eulsukdo Climate and Ecology Education Park

◯ Period: July 13 - September 1, 2024

Closed Mondays and when it rains

◯ Hours of operation: 10:00-17:00

Safety breaks are called for 20 minutes after every 40-minute period.

◯ Address: 1149-38 beonji Hadan-dong, Saha-gu, Busan

◯ Size: 400 square meter

◯ Ages: The children-only outdoor water play facility is for the children between 3 and 13 years old (elementary school students). Children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

◯ Free admission

For the safety issues, the facility can limit the number of people to use.

◯ For more info.: 051-220-4525

https://www.saha.go.kr/portal/bbs/view.do?mId=0301010000&bIdx=140881&ptIdx=22# (Korean)