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Busan Metropolitan City’s Multilingual Menu Project, the Largest of Its Kind in Korea

2024-07-12 190  Views

Busan Metropolitan City’s Multilingual Menu Project, the Largest of Its Kind in Korea

□ Busan Metropolitan City announced the recruitment of restaurants keen to participate in the Busan Multilingual Menu Project between July 4th and 31st, 2024.

□ This multilingual menu project, the largest-of-its-kind in the country, is gearing up to support 2,000 food service establishments, reflecting the rising awareness and prominence of Korean cuisine.

○ Strengthening the connection between food and language (global interface), it is committed to offering an exceptional dining experience for foreigners in their daily life or during trips.

□ At participating restaurants, customers can find menus translated into three languages—English, Chinese, and Japanese—by scanning a QR code without installing an application, along with a broad range of information, such as Busan food, its history, and eating tips.

□ A platform that allows business owners to update their menu items and prices easily will also be established this year—which will be the first attempt by a municipality in Korea.

○ The Busan Multilingual Menu Project, an administrative effort for the convenience of foreigners, is expected to increase the competitiveness of the food service sector in Busan Metropolitan City.

□ Applicants need to fill out an online form via a QR code. Selections will be made in August in order of priority.

○ Priority will be given to food facilities with high hygienic grades, exemplary restaurants, safe restaurants, Busan’s taste, Michelin restaurants, restaurants around popular tourist attractions, and restaurants engaged in food policy projects.

○ Owners who have difficulty applying online may pay a visit to the responsible division at the local Gu/Gun office, the Korea Foodservice Industry Association Busan Branch, or the Korea Convenient Restaurant Association Busan Branch.

부산시 음식점 외국어 메뉴판 지원안내
신청기간 2024.07.04-2024.07.31
신청대상 음식점 위생등급제, 모범음식점, 안심식당 지정업소 

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Inquiries: Healthcare & Hygiene Division, Busan Metropolitan City (051-888-3394)