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Three Medical Institutions in Busan Succeed in Gaining the KAHF

2024-01-09 378  Views

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국내 의원급 의료기관 최초 
김병준 레다스 흉부외과 의원

Three Medical Institutions in Busan Succeed in Gaining the KAHF (Korean Accreditation Program for Hospitals Serving Foreign Patients)

□ The city of Busan is pleased to announce that three medical institutions in Busan have succeeded in earning international medical service accreditation.

○ This was achieved through the “Program to Support Medical Institutions’ International Medical Accreditation,” which is part of the “2023 Competition to Strengthen the Attraction of Foreign Patients Locally 2023.”

○ The city of Busan, the Busan Economic Promotion Agency, and local medical institutions serving foreign patients participated in the program to increase their capacity to attract foreign patients to the Busan region.

□ The three medical institutions are the Kim Byoung-joon LEDAS Varicose Vein Clinic, Busan St. Mary’s Hospital, and Busan Adventist Hospital. All three institutions won the KAHF (Korean Accreditation Program for Hospitals Serving Foreign Patients), and one received the GHA (Global Healthcare Accreditation).

○ The three medical institutions were selected in May 2023 to receive international medical service accreditation and prepare to secure the KAHF and GHA distinctions.

○ As a result, all three medical institutions succeeded in gaining the KAHF designation in December 2023, followed by Kim Byoung-joon LEDAS Varicose Vein Clinic’s winning the GHA designation in November 2023.

○ The GHA is a global system accrediting outstanding hospitals for international medical services. In Korea, this is the second successful achievement of a hospital gaining the GHA among 19 other GHA-accredited medical institutions in the world. Three Busan hospitals won the KAHF among 13 KAHF-accredited hospitals nationwide, which serves to reinforce the status of Busan’s medical institutions.

○ Busan expects to play a pivotal role in continuing to attract foreign patients to Busan’s medical institutions by boosting their status through various accreditations.