

News & Notices

Announcing the Busan Metropolitan City Website Satisfaction Survey Prize Winners

2023-12-12 286  Views

Busan Metropolitan City Website Satisfaction Survey
Announcing the Busan Metropolitan City Website Satisfaction Survey Prize Winners

We are pleased to announce the prize winners of the Busan City Website Satisfaction Survey.

We thank all of the survey participants.

The Busan Metropolitan City Website Satisfaction Survey Prize Winners: (50 winners)

Gift Certificate valued at 5,000 won

Name / Email Address

Dani**** / gra************com

Shel** ****** / sct***********com

TIRU**** ******* / ven*******************com

XING** / bnt************com

KIUC** ****** / nor*************com

Jeff*** ******* / jef****************com

Sal S******* / sal************com

WANG *** ** / cai*********************com

시로사와*** / gog******************com

Mari* ***** ******* ******** / ele*******************com

王* / wp8***********com

Bisw** ***** ****** / mrb**************com

NGUY** **** **** / vio****************com

YANG *** **** / ccx***********com

BARK** ****** ***** / asr****************com

NGUY** *** ***** / ngu*********************com

Alic** / ddm*****************com

BOYD ******** *********** ******** / chr*******************com

BARA**** *** / lea*****************com

Fran***** / luo**************com

숀* / bei*************com

Jarr** / jar******************com

Deni* *** / tur***************com

山内*司 / spr******************com

WU JI** / woo*************com

Shen ***** / sha***************com

Md Sh******* **** ***** / bc.*****************com

Rich*** ****** / RCM*************com

Aish** ****** / ais****************com

Kani** ***** / Kan*****************com

Yew P** **** / cy_**************com

SUN P*** / dea***************com

Shay** ******** ******* / ses************com

Pete**** **** ***** / sep*****************com

MARK ****** / lek**********com

DAI XU***** / dxd***************com

OYAM* ***** / san************com

yoru* ***** / yor***************com

Jume** ****** / jum***********com

Ali E******* ******* / ert*******************com

Chla***** ***** / bas*******************o.uk

Sana* *** / san************com

Dipa* ***** / dip***************com

Aaro* ****** / aar***************com

原田美佐* / jin************com

Mich*** ****** / dad*************com

yuho***** / yhb**************com

TAKA**** **** / can************com

Toku***** *** / rie*****************o.jp

ZHAN* ***** / 819**********com

* Mobile gift certificates will be sent to winner’s phones on December 15, 2023.

○ Contact Info.

For inquires, email to emaster@korea.kr

Please visit our website often for the latest city news, useful information about Busan.

Thanks again for your participation in our website satisfaction survey.