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[B-News] Ads for Busan's bid to host World Expo run in downtown Paris

2023-11-20 182  Views

Expo 2030 Busan

[World EXPO 2030 BUSAN, KOREA] Busan B-News 24

1. 'Busan EXPO Bus' in the heart of London's city center

2. 'Busan' dominates Google search frequencies

3. Outdoor ads were displayed in over 270 locations in Paris during November

Read more: Ads for Busan's bid to host World Expo run in downtown Paris 

Busan B-News 
World Expo 2030 Busan, Korea 24

 Busan EXPO Buses  in the heart of London 
LG actively promotes the EXPO 2030 BUSAN in key European cities, including London, Brussels, and Paris, where BIE country ambassadors are based. In London, 210  EXPO Buses  tours the city, showcasing Busan s appeal. 
Source LG

 Busan  Dominates Google Search Frequencies 
Global search trends in the past year reveal widespread international interest in the EXPO 2030 BUSAN, overshadowing local interest in Riyadh and Rome. EXPO 2030 BUSAN definitely has a good shot at the bid. 
세계구글트렌드 검색빈도조사
Expo 2030 Busan 부산엑스포
Riyadh expo2030 리야드엑스포
Expo 2030 Roma 로마엑스포 구글트랜드 캡처
Source Goodle Trends, Kookje News

Outdoor Ads in over 270 Locations in Paris 
In November, a massive digital outdoor video ad campaign, in collaboration with K-artists, will be displayed on 270 screens in Paris, with the BIE headquarters as the focus, in a final push to promote the EXPO 2030 BUSAN. 
Source Hyundai Motor Group

Source: https://www.facebook.com/expo2030busan