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Magic Circus Takes Place from September 2 to October 29

2023-09-11 267  Views


Magic Show: Magic Circus

○ Period: Every Saturday and Sunday between September 2 and October 29, 2023

○ Show Times: Saturday and Sunday 13:00/15:00

Additional dates: (Fri) Sep. 29, (Tue) Oct. 3, (Mon) Oct. 9

○ Venue: Spo1 Park, Geumjeong-gu

○ Tickets: http://ticket.yes24.com/Perf/46680 (Korean)

○ For more info.: (051)626-7002

The Magic Circus is a permanent magic performance event for the first time in Korea and is hosted and organized by the Busan Metropolitan City and the Busan International Magic Festival Organizing Committee.

The magic show will take place every Saturday and Sunday between September 2 and October 29, 2023 at the Spo1 Park. It will be a magical family-oriented event enjoyable for both children and adults.

There is a booth to make and learn about various magic tools and a trick art photo zone.

(Website: https://www.hibimf.org/)

제18회 부산국제매직페스티벌 
매직서커스 상설공연
기간: 2023.09.02(토)-2023.10.29(일)
장소: 스포원파크(금정체육공원) 꿈나래 어린이극장
시간 매주 토, 일 13:00/15:00
09.29(금), 10.03(화), 10.09(월) 추가운영
프로그램 (공연)매직서커스 (체험)마술놀이
(전시)세계마법 체험전