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2023 Dureraum Saturday Outdoor Concert

2023-05-03 218  Views

Dureraum Saturday Outdoor Concert img

2023영화의전당 두레라움 토요야외콘서트
2023.5.6.-9.2.(지정) 토요일 오후5시 영화의전당 야외극장
전체관람가 입장료무료 문의051.780.6060 주차비 유료(정상요금적용)
주최.주관 영화의전당 한국문화예술회관연합회 후원 문화체육관광부 한국문학예술위원회

The 2023 Dureraum Saturday Outdoor Concert will be held from May 6 to September 2, 2023 on designated Saturdays at 5:00 pm at the outdoor theater of the Busan Cinema Center. The concert is free for all ages to enjoy.

Busan-based art groups will perform film-based music in concert.

○ Period: Designated Saturdays between May 6 and September 2, 2023

○ Venue: Busan Cinema Center

○ Free admission

○ For more info.: (051)780-6000

○ Hosted and Organized by: Busan Cinema Center, The Korean Cultural & Arts Centers Association

○ Supported by: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Art Council Korea

The concert schedules are as follows:

May 6 at 5:00 pm, Concert: Film music with family

May 13 at 5:00 pm, Gukak in movies

May 27 at 5:00 pm, Jazz and Singing in the Cinema

June 3, 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Busan-based small theaters – One Month Festival

June 10 at 5:00 pm, Classical music in movies

July 8 at 5:00 pm, Concert: Sea and film music

July 22 at 5:00 pm, Pop music in movies – Brass & Acoustic Band

July 29 at 5:00 pm, Jazz in movies – Jazz Trio & Latin Jazz

August 19 at 5:00 pm, Family Cinema Concert by the KNN Philharmonic Orchestra

September 2 at 5:00 pm, Film Music for Lovers by the Dureraum Wind Orchestra

The concert schedule may be subject to change under certain circumstances without notice.

Paid parking is available at the venue. (2,000 won)

For more information, please contact the Busan Cinema Center at (051)780-6000 or visit its website at http://www.dureraum.org