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Nationwide Indoor Mask Mandate to be Lifted Starting Monday, January 30

2023-01-31 238  Views

부산먼저미래로그린스마트도시 부산
1월30일부터 실내마스크 착용의무권고
실내마스크 착용 의무 권고  전환
의료기관, 약국, 감염 취약시설 중 입소형시설, 대중교통수단 등은
착용 의무유지
*3밀(밀폐, 밀집, 밀접) 환경 등 상황에 따라 자율적인 마스크 착용 당부

As of January 30, 2023, the indoor mask mandate will be shifted from a 'legal obligation' to a 'recommendation’ to wear.

However, the indoor mask mandate is still in place when using medical institutions, pharmacies, facilities vulnerable to infections and public transportation.

Indoor mask wearing is advised in the following situations:

- When you have suspected symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, cough, sore throat, etc.

- When there is a lot of droplets generated by shouting, chorusing, talking in a crowded situation

- If you fall under a high-risk group for COVID-19 or have close contact with someone in a high-risk group

*High-risk group: The elderly, those with weakened immune system, chronic respiratory patients, unvaccinated people, etc.

Related links:

Adjustment of Indoor Mask Mandate (Korean)

Adjustment of Indoor Mask Mandate (English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian)