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Museum of Contemporary Art Busan to Hold Participatory Media Art Social Event “Wish Me”

2022-12-14 325  Views

The Museum of Contemporary Art Busan (MoCA Busan) announced that it will be hosting an interactive media art experience social event called “Wish Me” on the second-floor lobby of the MoCA Busan from December 16, 2022 to January 27, 2023 as a year-end social/cultural event for Busan citizens.

This event is an experiential cultural event where interactive media artwork (Christmas tree-shaped projection video) will be completed in real-time by transmitting the messages of citizens’ wishes.

The event was planned so that anyone can participate by just sending one’s wish using mobile services or the web from anywhere in the world regardless of any time zone restrictions. Consequently, the event is expected to greatly help improve the awareness of MoCA Busan, as well as increase public participation in culture and the arts.

As participants experience the process of engaging in media artwork, it will help to increase knowledge of the various approaches to interactive media art embodied in two ways and help proliferate a greater understanding of public art.

The exhibition will be open from 10:00 to 18:00 every day except Mondays, which is a holiday for MoCA Busan.

Anyone can participate in the exhibition for free. A special gift (goods) presentation event will be held together for 50 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

An official from MoCA Busan said, “We will continuously plan and operate a variety of participatory citizen-oriented media art social/cultural events.”

For further details, see the website of MoCA Busan (https://www.busan.go.kr/moca/index) or make inquiries at (☎ 051-220-7400).

Wish Me 
2022년 연말 시민 참여형 미디어아트 문화행사
Participatory Media Art Social Event
부산현대미술관 2층 라운지 & 모바일로 어디서든 
QR코드를 통해 소망을 담은 메시지를 보내주세요
Send your wishes by QR code 

Participatory Media Art Social Event for Year-end 2022

From December 16, 2022 to January 26, 2023

Send your wish messages to the lounge on the second floor of MoCA Busan or via mobile service using the QR code from anywhere!