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Picnic Boogi Appears in Busan Citizens Park!

2022-10-27 464  Views

피크닉 부기 

- Busan Installs Picnic Boogi with an Eco-friendly Message Promoting Carbon Neutrality –

Picnic Boogi Appears in Busan Citizens Park!

‘Picnic Boogi’ appears to be enjoying an eco-friendly outing at Busan Citizens Park, a popular destination among locals.

Busan City Hall announced that they have installed Busan’s public outreach character, Boogi, complete with an eco-friendly message promoting carbon neutrality at the entrance of the park’s North Gate.

The installation is called “Picnic Boogi” and was created to deliver an eco-friendly message to Busan Citizens Park visitors, discourage the use of single-use products, and encourage the use of reusable containers in an effort to make Busan a carbon-neutral city.

Picnic Boogi stands at 2.4m tall, spans 5㎡, and is designed to greet citizens visiting Busan Citizens Park over the next three years. Boogi is holding a reusable tumbler instead of a single use (disposable) cup and is enjoying an eco-friendly picnic, while sitting atop a sandwich he carried in his picnic basket.

The sandwich that Boogi is sitting on shows the message “Enjoy an eco-friendly outing with Boogi,” and a message to refrain from using disposable goods is inscribed on the tumbler. With the help of these messages, less trash and more eco-friendly outings are on the horizon.

Picnic Boogi also serves as a photo zone. Anyone, including adults and children, can sit on the picnic basket or stand in front to take unique photographs.

From Oct. 12 to Nov. 9, Busan is waging a “Courageous Picnic Campaign” to attract citizens’ interest and commemorate the installation of Picnic Boogi.

Those who wish to participate in the campaign must take pictures of a picnic or picnic-like outing using reusable containers and the Picnic Boogi. After, participants should post the images on their personal SNS account with the following hash tags (#부기사랑지구사랑, #친환경나들이, #피크닉부기). Among the participants, 50 will be chosen to receive a limited edition Boogi doll.

Inquiry: New Media Division, +82-51-888-1364