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Busan Confirmed as 22nd ICSCRM Host in 2025

2022-09-23 389  Views

19th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials
DAVOS, Switzerland
11-16 September 2022 www.icscrm2022.org

The City of Busan announced its success in being designated as host of the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM), the world's largest event in the silicon carbide (SiC*) field, in September 2025.

*SiC: A material consisting of silicon (Si) and carbon (C), which is one of the world’s hardest materials next to diamonds. Unlike Si, commonly used as a semiconductor material, SiC is a next-generation semiconductor material with advanced properties, such as high voltage and high heat resistance. Sic is mainly used for electric vehicles since it is suitable for saving energy.

The decision was confirmed at the 19th conference held in Davos, Switzerland, on September 13, 2022. While the conference was held in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, Busan succeeded in being named host after three previous attempts, thanks to cooperation between Busan, KIEEME, and the Busan Tourism Organization. The aim of the conference is for Korea to expand its international scope of activity in the semiconductor sector.

In September 2025, the 22nd conference will be held at BEXCO, Busan. Approximately 1,200 people from related industries, academia, and research institutes will attend. Academic presentations, invitational lectures, and exhibitions are scheduled.

The event is expected to become an innovative opportunity for Korea's related SiC field development industries, academia, and research institutes. Busan endeavors to create a SiC power semiconductor** industrial cluster, thereby accelerating and securing Busan's global technological competitiveness and fostering relevant industries.

**Power semiconductor: unlike memory semiconductors, which store data, power semiconductors play a role in converting and controlling the power required for electronic equipment, suitable for various pieces of equipment.