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The City of Busan and Paris Baguette Launch ‘Boogi Cake’ to Promote the City’s Bid for the 2030 World Expo

2022-08-25 347  Views

2030 부산월드엑스포 유치를 파리바게뜨가 응원합니다!
부산시 캐릭터 부산갈매기 부기케이크
부기는 부산갈매기의 줄임말로 부산시 대표 소통캐릭터입니다.
부산광역시 World Expo 2030 Busan,Korea
Paris Baguette 

The City of Busan and Paris Baguette, a leading premium bakery brand in Korea, launched ‘Boggi Cake’ utilizing Boggi, Busan’s public outreach character.

The partnership aims to promote Busan’s bid for the 2030 World Expo and raise awareness of Boogi, Busan’s public outreach character.

Boogi Cake is a chocolate cake created with the motif of Boogi jumping into the blue sea at a summer beach in Busan. The cake is covered with sky blue colored chocolate featuring the sea in summer with an added interesting crunch texture of chocolate sheets.

The cake will be on sale at about 400 Paris Baguette stores in Busan and the Gyeongnam area starting August 18, 2022. A social media promotional event will take place from August 26 to September 25, 2022. Detailed information about the event will be posted on the official city website and social media account.

The sale of the cake may be extended nationwide depending on the response from customers about the cake. More collaborated products will be offered going forward.

2030부산세계박람회 유치를 파리바게뜨가 응원합니다!
Paris Baguette 
부산광역시 World Expo 2030 Busan, Korea
부산시 소통캐릭터 부산갈매기 부기케이크 출시 이벤트
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