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Busan Galmaetgil Project Receives Special Mention at the 5th Edition of the International Award 'UCLG – MEXICO CITY – Culture 21'

2022-06-28 289  Views

YOLO with Busan Galmaetgil YOLO 갈맷길 10선 YOLO(You Only Live Once) + 욜로(여기로의 경상도 방언)=인생에 꼭 와봐야 하는 의미 YOLO 1 갈맷길 더 비기닝 The beginning 임랑해수욕장~일광해수욕장(갈맷길 1-1구간) YOLO 2 시크릿 커피 로드 Secret Coffee Road 기장군청~송정항(갈맷길 1-2구간) YOLO 3 블루라인 푸른모래 구 송정역~미포정거장(갈맷길 1-2구간) YOLO 4 센텀 무비투나잇 마린시티~광안해변공원(갈맷길 2-1, 2-2구간) YOLO 5 오륙도 품은 이기대 오륙도선착장~동생말(갈맷길 2-2구간) 동구 갈맷길 투어라운지 위치 YOLO 6 영도 흰여울 한바퀴 영도대교~아미르공원(갈맷길 3-3구간) YOLO 7 다대포 선셋 피크닉 신평동교차로(강변데크)~다대포해수욕장(갈맷길 4-3구간) YOLO 8 낙동정맥 끝자락 순례 꽃마을~당리(승학산 구간) YOLO 9 人生三樂인생삼락 갈맷길 강변나들교(르네시떼)~도시철도 구포역(갈맷길 6-1구간) YOLO 10 금정산성 나들이 도시철도 구포역~산성마을(갈맷길 6-3구간) 부산광역시 걷기좋은부산추진단 

The City of Busan announced that the project "Busan Galmaetgil, a cultural value promotion project manifested through urban trails" was recognized as a special mention during the 5th edition of the International Award UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21.

The International Award UCLG* - Mexico City - Culture 21, co-organized by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Mexico City and the Committee on Culture of UCLG, recognizes leading cities and individuals that have distinguished themselves through their contributions to culture and sustainable cities.

This 5th edition of the International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 recognizes cities and individuals who have excelled in the promotion of cultural rights in the context of the Covid-19 crisis and the post-pandemic recovery, and/or have promoted culture as an important part of society.

A total of 101 cities, local and regional governments submitted their application, including California, USA, London, England and Rome, Italy. The winners were announced according to the framework of the UCLG Executive Bureau 2022 in Seville on June 15, 2022. The winners in the category ‘City/ Local or Regional Government’ are Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Dublin (Ireland). The special mentions to 6 outstanding projects are from Bandung (West Java, Indonesia), Busan (Republic of Korea), Izmir (Turkey), Jinju (Republic of Korea), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), and Tevragh Zeina (Nouakchott, Mauritania).

The Galmaetgil project created the Busan citizen-centered Galmaetgil trails showcasing cultural content, encapsulating local traditions and history, as well as the city’s nature environment and climate, while also presenting Busan’s artistic sensitivity and uniqueness to promote cultural values.

Under the vision of a green smart city and core values of a low carbon green and attractive cultural tourism city, Busan is enhancing public health by providing easily accessible ubiquitous trails for relaxation and providing opportunities for cultural enjoyment through convenient and clean urban trails.

For more information, please contact the Diplomacy & Trade Division at (051)888-7755

*United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) was founded in May 2004, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) is the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government. Based in Barcelona, UCLG is the largest local government organization in the world. Representing over half the world’s population, the cities and association members of UCLG are present in 136 UN Member States across seven world regions – Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Eurasia, Middle East and West Asia, Latin America and North America. Over 1000 cities are direct members of United Cities and Local Governments, as well as 112 national associations, which represent all the cities and local governments in a single country.