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Kazakhstan Film Festival 2022 takes place from June 24th to 26th at Busan Cinema Center

2022-06-21 435  Views

The 30th Anniversary of Korea-Kazakhstan Diplomatic Relations
The Opening of Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Busan
Kazakhstan Film Festival
한국-카자흐스탄 수교 30주년 기념 주부산 카자흐스탄 총영사관 개관 기념
카자흐스탄 영화제
2022.6.24(금)~6.26(일) 영화의전당 소극장
문의: 051-711-6856
부산광역시 부산국제교류재단 주한카자흐스탄대사관 영화의전당 

The Busan Foundation for International Cooperation and the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Korea are jointly hosting the Kazakhstan Film Festival from June 24 to 26 for three days at the Busan Cinema Center to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Korea-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations and the opening of the Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Busan.

The film festival will screen Kazakhstan films shown at the Busan International Film Festival between 2013 and 2021. Through the film festival, people can experience Kazakhstan culture.

Kazakhstan, officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in the center of the Eurasian continent at the crossroads of two continents – Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Kazakhstan Film Festival 2022

○ Period: June 24-26, 2022

○ Venue: Busan Cinema Center

○ Tickets: 1,000 won

○ Ticket Reservations: https://www.dureraum.org/bcc/mcontents/progView.do?rbsIdx=61&progCode=20220613001

○ Hosted by: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Foundation for International Cooperation, Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Korea, Busan Cinema Center

○ For more info.: 051-711-6856, busan.eurasia@gmail.com

*Film List


Red Pomegranate

Yellow Cat

A Dark-Dark Man

The Horse Thieves, Roads of Time

The Secret of Leader

Walnut Tree

Er Tostik and the Dragon