

News & Notices

Revised Rules for Management of Confirmed and Close Contact Individuals (Effective on Feb. 9)

2022-02-10 518  Views

Starting Wednesday, February 9, 2022, the required isolation period for people with COVID-19 will be seven days from the time their samples were taken, regardless of symptoms or vaccination status.

Isolation rules for people coming into close contact with an infected person will be limited to only unvaccinated cohabitants of confirmed cases and those at *high-risk facilities for seven days.

*Long-term care institutions (convalescent hospitals, nursing homes, day care centers), mental health facilities, facilities for the disabled.

- Fully vaccinated cohabitants of confirmed cases under at-home treatment will be exempt from self-isolation (7 days of passive monitoring) while unvaccinated cohabitants are required to be isolated for seven days.

One PCR tests will be taken on the 6th or 7th day for those under quarantine or monitoring and if the test results are negative, they will be released from quarantine and monitoring as of midnight on the 7th day (00:00 on the 8th day).

If cohabitants under joint quarantine test positive for COVID-19 during isolation, the additional confirmed case(s) will need to isolate for seven days from the time their samples were taken. However, any other cohabitants will be released from quarantine when the first COVID-19 patient’s quarantine period comes to an end.

In addition, if a COVID-19 patient gets released from quarantine, cohabitants will be released from quarantine and passive monitoring as well. However, for the next 3 days, they must wear a KF94 mask and not come into contact with those in high-risk groups.