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2022 International Busan Design Award

2022-02-08 620  Views

ibda 2022 부산국제디자인어워드
ibda Theme: Free Theme
Special Theme: World EXPO 2030 BUSAN
온라인 접수 Online Submission
Feb. 4~May 2, 2022
대상 상금 IBDA Grand 1,500만원 KRW 15Million

2022 International Busan Design Award

ibda Theme: Free Theme

Special Theme: World EXPO 2030 BUSAN

Hosting Guidelines: https://adp.dcb.or.kr/en/ibda/hosting-guidelines

Entry Methods

Online submission:

2022 Official website of the International Busan Design Award (https://adp.dcb.or.kr/en)

Results Announcement: May 11(Wed), 2022

Offline submission of actual pieces:

May 20(Fri.)-May 23(Mon), 2022

Design Council Busan IBDA Secretariat (1F, Exhibition Hall)

Judging and Announcement

Final Round of Judging: May 27 (Fri), 2022

Results Announcement: May 31 (Tue), 2022

Posted on the International Busan Design Award

(http://adp.dcb.or.kr) and Design Council Busan website (https://www.dcb.or.kr/

Awards Ceremony

Date: June 9(Thu), 2022, 16:00

Location: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 1

*The exhibition and awards ceremony will be held simultaneously with 'Busan Design Week'


Design Council Busan Tel: +82 51 790 1091 / 1092

For more information, please refer to the award guidelines on the official award's website (https://adp.dcb.or.kr)

Organizers: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education, Design Council Busan

Host: Design Council Busan, Citizens Committee for BID 2030 World Expo Busan Korea

Sponsors: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Busan Foundation for International Cooperation, Busan Ilbo Co., Ltd., Kookje Co., Ltd., Busan MBC, KNN, Busan Federation of Designers, SEDIA, BNK Busan Bank, Design House