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Seollal Lunar New Year Celebration at Busan Museum on Feb. 1 and 2nd

2022-01-26 740  Views

한복입고 박물관 나들이 설맞이행사
크로마키 사진, 민속놀이, 세화
일시: 2.1.(화)-2.2.(수) 10:00-17:00
장소: 문화체험관, 야외마당
대상: 한복을 입고 온 관람객 및 문화체험관 방문객
부산박물관 Busan Museum  

In celebration of Korea’s biggest holiday, Seollal Lunar New Year, the Busan Museum will hold family-friendly cultural activities and events at the museum over two days from February 1st to 2nd.

The museum welcomes visitors wearing hanbok, a traditional Korean costume.

Visitors wearing hanbok can take a photo using chroma key effects at the cultural experience center in the Museum.

To welcome 2022, the Year of the Black Tiger, the museum will give away 100 copies of a Korean traditional painting called ‘Songha Hojakdo’ (Painting of Tiger, Magpie and Pine Tree) to visitors. The original painting is from the museum’s collection. It was a painting exchanged between the king and his ministers in celebration of the New Year.

Visitors can also take part in the event by playing yut, tuho (traditional stick-throwing), gulleongsoe (hoop-rolling), as well as a top-spinning game outside the museum building. (10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

The Busan Museum will be open to the public from January 29th to February 2nd during the Lunar New Year holidays. The opening hours are from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact the Busan Museum at (051)610-7184.

Website: https://www.busan.go.kr/nbtnewsBU/1517873?curPage=&srchBeginDt=2022-01-14&srchEndDt=2022-01-21&srchKey=&srchText= (Korean)