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Registration of Vaccination Status of Non-Korean Nationals Fully Vaccinated Abroad

2021-12-15 1078  Views

Non-Korean nationals with no quarantine exemption are allowed to be registered for their vaccination status, as well as receive a third shot and the benefit of a vaccine pass.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) has announced on 9th December 2021 that it has improved the policy about recognition of a full vaccination status. Under this policy, non-Korean nationals, fully vaccinated outside South Korea but entered the border with no quarantine exemption, are allowed to receive a third shot of a COVID-19 vaccine after their vaccination records have been registered on the COVID-19 Vaccination Registration System. This policy takes effect on 9th December 2021.

For registration, non-Korean nationals have to submit their proof of identification (e.g. a foreign residence card, a passport, and a domestic residence card) and a vaccination certificate issued from abroad to a Community Health Centre.

This policy also applies to those who received a vaccine dose during their employment by the United States Forces in ROK but were excluded from registration of their vaccination records after retirement.

In accordance with the policy, non-Korean nationals whose fully vaccinated status has been registered will receive a COVID-19 vaccination certificate, recognized by the Korean health authorities, that proves that they have been fully vaccinated outside ROK. Their vaccination status will also be registered on the COOV application. This will allow such non-Korean citizens to receive a third shot and the benefit of a vaccine pass.

Eligibility for registration is confined to the vaccines approved by the World Health Organization. Non-Korean nationals with no quarantine exemption, who have received a third shot, will be registered for their vaccination status, and will be exempt from quarantine when re-entering the border or after having come into close contact with confirmed cases.

Source: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/en/tcmBoardView.do?brdId=12&brdGubun=125&dataGubun=&ncvContSeq=6180&contSeq=6180&board_id=&gubun=