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The 2nd Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest Winners Announced

2021-12-14 580  Views

BADATV LIVE 붓싼뉴스, B공식채널 시정현장 정책이슈 바다스페셜 영상 아카이브
부산광역시 영상 컨텐츠 공모전 
제2회 부산광역시 유튜브 콘텐츠 공모전
주제 제2회 부산광역시 유튜브 콘텐츠 공모전
부제 내게 힘이 되는 부산의 잇템을 광고해주세요
접수 2021-07-05 ~ 2021-10-04
[대상] 누군가의 헌책이 당신만의 잇템
[최우수] Busan Forever
[우수] B.O.S를 열어봐
[우수] 남포동 잇템 구경해 볼래 

The city of Busan has announced the four winning videos from the 2nd Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest.

The contest was held from July 5 to October 4, 2021 under the theme, ‘Advertise Your Supportive “It” Items of Busan.’ A total of 25 YouTube entries were submitted and the city selected four winning videos after preliminary and expert reviews.

The following is a list of the top winning videos:

Grand Prize (1): 「누군가의 헌책이 당신만의 잇템?!」


A teacher and student team from Hyekwang High School promote used books at Bosu Book Street as "It” items of Busan, featuring a music video with their own song. Used book stores and small businesses at Bosu Book Street have been in a crisis due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic and redevelopment in the area.

Second Prize (1): 「Busan Forever」 by Storm Reid


Featuring four "It" items - Fitness, Fashion, Food and Fun to promote products of small businesses in Busan from the viewpoint of foreigners

Third Prizes (2):

「B.O.S를 열어봐」


B.O.S stands for ‘Busan One Hell of a Spot’

Featuring seas of Busan, Haeundae traditional market, restaurants and cafes

「남포동 잇템 구경해 볼래?!」


Featuring a video to promote products of small businesses and tourist information at Nampo-dong area

The winning videos aim to stimulate the local economy by promoting products of small businesses in Busan with messages of hope to overcome the difficulties due to prolonged COVID-19 outbreaks.

The winning entries will be posted on the city’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/DynamicBusan) and BADA TV website at http://badatv.busan.go.kr/view.do?no=75

For more information, please contact the New Media Division at (051)888-1386.