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(Updated) Vaccination guide for foreign nationals in Korea

2021-09-07 2501  Views

Vaccination guide for foreign nationals in Korea

Foreign nationals can book their COVID vaccine by using the same method offered to Korean nationals.

Please read the booking guideline and eligibility information provided below and book your Covid vaccine.

Vaccination guide for foreign nationals in Korea
Foreign nationals can book their COVID vaccine by using the same method offered to Korean nationals.
Please read the booking guideline and eligibility information provided below and book your Covid vaccine.

Check your allocated booking period by referring to 코로나19 백신 예방접종 계획 (vaccination schedule plan) at KDCA website.
Please note the website is only available in Korean language only

Eligibility and booking methods
1. You can book your vaccination date in line with the national vaccination plan as guided by 코로나19 백신 예방접종 계획 (vaccination schedule plan)
if you are a registered foreign national, You can book a date via online or telephone.
- If a message indicating that you are not eligible for vaccination appears during online booking you can book your vaccine after registering at your local healthcare centre.
Booking methods
Via online (• A helper can book your vaccine on your behalf)
Visit http://ncvr2.kdca.go.kr and book your vaccine. Please note that the website is available in Korean only.
♦ Via telephone (• A helper can book your vaccine on your behalf)
Contact a) 1339 KDCA call centre or b)visit https:// ncv.kdca.go.kr — Place your mouse pointer 예방접종 현황 (Vaccination coverage statistics) -
Click the sub menu 코로나19 예방접종 전화예약 운영현황 (List of local call centre contact information) and find a centre run by your municipal government.
Please note that the website is available in Korean only.
2. Foreign nationals without a registration number (incl. illegal residents) can book their vaccination through a
temporary code, which can be obtained by presenting their passport at a healthcare centre.
This group of people can book their vaccine via online or telephone with his/her temporary code and
his/her representative can also book on their behalf.
Temporary code is issued to those holding an expired passport, expired residence card,
(an) identification document(s) issued by diplomatic missions in Korea or even in cases of their
employer presenting such foreign nationals personal details to relevant authorities.
3. Short-term visitors, who are staying in Korea for less than 90 days for tourism etc. are not eligible for vaccination in Korea.

• Personal information will solely be used for vaccination purpose only. Your identity and illegal stay history will NOT be relayed to immigration authorities as mandated by relevant law.
• Foreign nationals unsubscribed to national health insurance can only get vaccinated at a healthcare centre or a vaccination centre.
• Please visit https://ncv.kdca.go.kr for more information. Please note that the website is available in Korean only.
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