

News & Notices

International Ideas Competition for Bcome 2021: 15-Minute City

2021-08-20 1038  Views

15-minute City 

The theme of Bcome 2021 is “15-Minute City.”

This competition is to create pedestrian-friendly urban milieus within the distance of 15 minutes ― the average time taken for a human being to walk 1 km ― and suggest spaces where residents can stay communicating with one another.

Titie: Bcome 2021, the International Ideas Competition for “15-Minute City”

The host and organizer of the competition: Busan Architecture Festival Organizing Committee http://www.biacf.org/

Project site

Busanjin Station in Dong-gu, Busan Metropolitan City

Dong-gu, Busan Metropolitan City

Qualification: No limit


Public notice of competition Aug. 20 (Fri.), 2021

Registration of participants 9 AM Aug. 20 (Fri.) to 6 PM Sep. 10 (Fri.), 2021


Submission 9 AM Aug. 27 (Fri.) to 6 PM Sep. 1 (Wed.), 2021

Answers Sep. 6 (Mon.), 2021

Submission of works 9 AM Oct. 22(Fri) to 6 PM Oct. 25 (Mon.), 2021

On the official website http://bcome.biacf.or.kr/

Deliberation Oct. 27 (Wed.), 2021 5 prescribed jurors and 1 reserve juror

Announcement of winners Oct. 28 (Thr.), 2021 On the official website http://bcome.biacf.or.kr/

Application: fill out the application form on the bcome website (http://bcome.biacf.or.kr)

Prizes_total 20 million KRW

1 recipient for 1st prize: 10,000,000 KRW

2 recipients for 2nd prize: 3,000,000 KRW

2 recipients for 3rd prize: 2,000,000 KRW

5 recipients for Honorary Mention: Certificate of Merit

Submission of work

One PDF file of an A0-sized panel design


Official website: http://bcome.biacf.or.kr

Official e-mail: bafcompe@naver.com