

News & Notices

Night Operations of Public Transportation in Busan Reduced to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

2021-08-11 344  Views

사진출처: 부산도시철도 35주년 시민 사진 공모전 수상작(2020년) 

The City of Busan has reduced the operation of buses and metros after 10 p.m. starting August 10, 2021 due to a recent rapid increase in COVID-19 cases and the raising of the social distancing level to 4 in the Busan area. The measure is designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by minimizing unnecessary movements of people and encouraging people to go home early. The city reduced the operation of local buses after 10:00 p.m. by 30 percent and village/neighborhood bus after 10:00 p.m. by 12 percent starting August 10, 2021. The buses at 30-minute or longer intervals or crowded bus route will be excluded.

The Busan Transportation Corporation will reduce night metro operations (after 10:00 p.m. on metro lines 1 to 4) by 30 percent starting August 13, 2021 until further notice. However, the metro will operate on its regular schedule on weekends and holidays.

You can check the changes to the metro timetable at the Busan Transportation Corporation website.

https://www.humetro.busan.kr/homepage/default/stationtime/page/list.do?menu_no=1001010301 (Korean)

The city also strongly recommends that taxis carry up to two passengers only after 6:00 p.m.

All local buses, village/neighborhood buses, metro trains and taxis are regularly disinfected.

For more information, please contact the Public Transportation Policy Division at (051)888-3892.