

News & Notices

The 2nd Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest (until October 4)

2021-07-14 657  Views

The City of Busan has announced that it is hosting the 2nd Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest - BUFLIX, until October 4, 2021.

The city’s annual BADA TV Digital Video Contest changed its name to the YouTube Video Contest last year to offer the opportunity to various YouTube creators to participation and promote the city of Busan.

This year’s contest theme is, ‘Advertise Your Supportive “It” Items of Busan.’ The ad-style entries should focus on “It” items which support small businesses in Busan, notable personal possessions or your favorite “It” item.

It aims to stimulate the local economy by promoting products of small businesses in Busan.

Entries are expected to be the first ones in a longer video series highlighting Busan and will be granted extra points on submission of the project proposal of the video series.

All Korean nationals and registered foreign residents in Korea are eligible to enter the contest individually or in groups.

Submitted entries can be in any genre format, ad-style digital creative video (less than 60 seconds) filmed with an ENG, camcorder, drone, smart phone or a digital camera. The quarantine measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 should be complied with during filming, as well as care given not to disclose personal information.

Awards will be given away, including a Grand Prize of 3,000,000 won, a 1,000,000 won second place prize and two 500,000 won third place prizes.

The winners will have the opportunity to work as the city’s representative YouTubers, to release their videos on the official city YouTube channel, and work in collaboration with the city to create city promotional videos.

The winning entries will be announced on the BADA TV website on October 18, 2021.

For more detailed information, please visit the BADA TV website at http://badatv.busan.go.kr/view.do?no=75 (Korean) or call the New Media Division at (051)888-1386. 

부산광역시 Busan Metropolitan City 
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