

News & Notices

The 4th ACH Design Contest

2021-04-14 521  Views

ASEAN in Korea 
Korea in ASEAN

The ASEAN Culture House, operated by the Korea Foundation, is once again holding its annual contest to promote cultural exchange between the ASEAN region and Korea.

In 2021, the “4th ACH Design Contest” invites participants to submit posters, illustrations, and webtoons under the theme “ASEAN in Korea, Korea in ASEAN.”

Anyone with a keen interest in ASEAN, Korea, and cultural exchange is eligible to participate.

○ Theme: “ASEAN in Korea, Korea in ASEAN”

○ Categories:

- Cultural elements of ASEAN found in Korea

- Cultural elements of Korea found in ASEAN

- Observations of interactions between people from ASEAN and Korea

- 2021 ROK-Mekong Exchange Year

○ Eligibility: Anyone interested in ASEAN and Korea(open to both Koreans and foreign nationals, both in Korea and abroad)

○ Application period: Monday, April 12(9:00 a.m. KST) to Friday, June 4, 2021 (6:00 p.m. KST)

○ Awards: Total Number of Awards: 100; Total Award Money: KRW 23,000,000

※ You can check more details at http://www.ach.or.kr/contest


○ ☎: 82-2-529-2514

○ e-mail: achcontest@kf.or.kr

The source of news: https://www.ach.or.kr/user/program/detail?pno=2242