

News & Notices

“Emergency Ready” App to Provide Emergency Information Service for Foreigners in ROK

2021-03-11 1319  Views

Korean Ministry of the Interior and Safety provides the English and Chinese language versions of its “Emergency Ready” App for smartphones and tablets, providing emergency information service for foreigners in Korea.

Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Emergency Ready 
Emergency Ready App provides a variety of useful sfaety information.
Try Emergency Ready app right now. 
‘紧急应对软件’ 提供紧急灾难安全服务。
请立即使用 ’紧急应对软件’。

Emergency Medical Centers
Police Station 
Useful Apps
Disaster Alerts
Fire station 
Embassy Info
Safety Guide
Android iPhone 

Emergency Ready App aims to protect your family s safety and happiness.

Benefits of Emergency Ready App?
1. Receive emergency notificiation in the event of natural and social disasters
2. During emergency, the app provides safety guide and shelter and medical center information. 
3. Also, it provides embassy information (location, contact) to help you during emergency situation. 

安装Ermergency Ready App的话?
1. 在发生自然灾难、社会灾难时、可收到灾难短信提醒。 
2. 为了能应对紧急情况、提供国民行动要领(Safety Guide)及周围避难所、紧急医疗中心等的信息。 
3. 还有、可确认大使馆位置和联系电话等信息、在发生危机情况时、可有效利用。 

Ministry of the Interior and Safety
13, Jeongbu 2cheongsa-ro, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea

Download app - 应用程序消灾方法
Scan QR code to download  Emergency Ready App. 
扫描QR码、下载 ‘紧急应对软件’。

Search  Emergency Ready App  on App Store or Play Store to download the app for free. 
在Apple App Store 或Google Play Store搜索、“紧急应对软件”下载免费应用程序。

Andorid Google Play Store 
iOS(iPhone) App Store 

Download the app now for your safety.