

News & Notices

Busan City Hall to be Closed During Lunar New Year Holiday (Feb. 11 – Feb. 14)

2021-02-09 428  Views

Have a safe and happy Lunar New Year holidays!
Social Distancing Level in Busan area: Level 2 (Feb. 8 - Feb. 14)
Please stay connected virtually instead of physically meeting during the holidays.  

Busan City Hall and all of its divisions will be closed in observance of the Lunar New Year holiday from February 11 to February 14, 2021. The offices will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, February 15, 2021.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year 2021!

Wear a Mask and Keep a Safe Distance

Important Notices

COVID-19 Information during the Lunar New Year holidays in Busan Area

https://www.busan.go.kr/holiday/hospital/hospital01.jsp (Korean)

COVID-19 Busan Updates: https://english.busan.go.kr/covid-19

Emergency Rescue Call ☎ 119

: http://www.119.go.kr (Korean)

Community health centers in Busan

: http://english.busan.go.kr/bsmedical03

Medical facilities and pharmacies open during the Lunar New Year holidays.

https://www.e-gen.or.kr/egen/main.do (Korean)

Social Distancing Rules (Level 2.0) in the Busan Area (Feb. 8 – Feb. 14, 2021


COVID-19 Screening Centers Open in Busan during the Lunar New Year Holiday (Feb. 11 - Feb. 14)


Health & Welfare Call Center ☎ 129

: http://www.129.go.kr (Korean)

National Emergency Medical Center: http://www.e-gen.or.kr (Korean)

Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency Call Center ☎1339

Busan City 120 Call Center ☎ (051)120 (24 hours operation during the Lunar New Year Holidays)