

News & Notices

The City of Busan Encourages COVID-19 Testing of at Least 1 Person Per Household Until Feb. 14th

2021-01-21 511  Views

Busan Metropolitan City announced that it has launched the “One Person per Household COVID Testing” campaign to prevent and overcome the spread of COVID-19.

The number of coronavirus cases has been gradually declining after the peak was hit following a third wave of COVID-19 that started in the middle of November 2020, but the risk of transmission is still high. The number of group transmissions is decreasing, but the individual transmission rate between household members, acquaintances and co-workers is still of concern, recently amounting to 45.8% of all infections in the Busan area from January 9 to 15.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the city is currently conducting the “One Person per Household COVID Testing" campaign, targeting all residents in Busan. One representative member per residential household, regardless of blood relation, who engages in public activities most often among household members is encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 at a temporary COVID-19 screening station in Busan to preemptively check for the possibility of infection via household transmission. The campaign will last until February 14, 2021, the end of the Lunar New Year holidays.

Free anonymous COVID-19 testing is available to all residents regardless of epidemiological connection or symptoms at temporary COVID-19 screening stations.

The following five temporary COVID-19 screening stations have extended their operation period until February 14, 2021.

NORIMARU in Busanjin-gu (Jeonpo-dong), Yeonje-gu (Lighthouse Square at Busan City Hall), Dong-gu (Busan Eurasia Platform at Busan Station), Gijang-gun (Jeonggwan Community Health Center), Buk-gu (pedestrian square on the overpass in front of Gupo Metro Station)

The operation period and hours will be updated at https://english.busan.go.kr/covid-19

View the current temporary COVID-19 screening stations in Busan at


For more details: https://www.busan.go.kr/covid19/Clinics02.do (Korean)

Have at least one member of your household get tested for COVID-19!

Free and anonymous regardless of symptoms!

Period: Until Feb. 14, 2021 (until the end of the Lunar New Year holidays)

Details: Any Busan resident (one family member per household who engages in public activities most often)

(To check for the possibility of infection via household transmission).

Location: Temporary COVID-19 screening stations in Busan

View the current temporary COVID-19 screening stations in Busan at


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