

News & Notices

Busan Cinema Center Big Roof Signals Fine Dust Level with Color-coded Lighting

2021-01-14 604  Views

Korea Unique Venue
Blue (Good) 좋음 0~15 ㎍/m³ 
Green (Average) 보통 16~35 ㎍/m³  
Yellow (Bad) 나쁨 36~75 ㎍/m³ 
Red (Very Bad) 매우나쁨 76~ ㎍/m³  

The Busan Cinema Center informs visitors of the level of ultrafine dust particles in Busan using LED lights on its big roof.

The cinema center’s big roof is equipped with LED lights that turn blue when the level of ultrafine dust particles is good, and red when the level of ultrafine dust particles is bad. Different colors are displayed according to the conditions as listed below.

Blue (Good) 0~15 ㎍/m³

Green (Average) 16~35 ㎍/m³

Yellow (Bad) 36~75 ㎍/m³

Red (Very Bad) 76~ ㎍/m³

Operation Hours: 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (can be changed)