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Busan Metro launches Bird Sanctuary of Nakdonggang Estuary Themed Eco-train

2020-12-10 564  Views

사람 그리고 자연의 지상낙원

The Busan Nakdong River Project Management Office and Busan Transportation Corporation will jointly operate an eco-train on metro line 1 under the theme, ‘bird sanctuary of the Nakdonggang Estuary’ from November 26, 2020 to February 28, 2021.

To boost ecotourism of the bird sanctuary at the Nakdonggang Estuary, the eco-wrapped train will operate six times daily. One train running on metro line 1 will be decorated with images and photos of winter migrant birds, such as the whooper swan, mallard duck and bean goose, as well as a variety of animals and plants of the estuarine wetlands, such as prickly waterlily, rugosa rose and more.

The photo zone in the train features a soaring bird greeting the hope of spring to come at the Nakdonggang Estuary. It also symbolizes a willingness to overcome COVID-19.

Hadan metro station has also been decorated with images of the bird sanctuary at the Nakdonggang Estuary.

An Instagram event to celebrate the operation of the eco-train is taking place in December.

https://www.busan.go.kr/wetland/ndejoin01/1467771 (Korean)

For more information, please contact the Busan Nakdong River Project Management Office at (051)209-2052.