

News & Notices

Announcing the Busan Metropolitan City Website Quiz Event Prize Winners

2020-11-02 501  Views

We are pleased to announce the prize winners of the Busan City Foreign-language Website Quiz Event. We thank all of the event participants.

The Busan Metropolitan City Foreign-language Website Event Prize Winners (50 persons) :

Mobile Gift Certificate valued at 10,000 won

Name / Email Address

SITI ********** / fad***********com

deni* ***** / yor***************com

Md. M****** ***** / ork*************com

Jon I******** / jon*************com

Yuge** ** / yi.*************com

Cand*** ****** / can******************com

Just** **** / can***************com

Dipa* ***** / dip***************com

Matt*** ***** / mat****************com

Fati* ******* / ozt***********com

Ali O****** / ali*****************com

Edly* / aer*************com

DIPE**** ******** / dip***************com

Stan***** ******** / Var************.ru

CHLA***** ***** / bas********************.uk

Fenn* ****** / fey**********com

ASRI** ****** / asr****************com

Jian* *** / ele***********com

Luk* / luk*********com

Shar***** / sha*****************com

Ashr** ****** / ash***************com

JUBE** ******* / jcu*******************com

Dann* / Dan***************com

Sana* *** / san************com

THUR** ******** / rat**************com

Tisa ***** / tis************com

Valc***** ****** / mar***************com

VINO* ***** ***** / sin**************com

Shaw* **** / shaw**************com

Mer* ********* / mer*****************com

VALE*** ****** / val*******************com

Batt****** / bac**************com

Bern**** / ber*******************com

Kani** ***** / kan**************com

Yui K******* / mar***************com

徳**依 / rie******************.jp

KURI**** ***** / mar**************com

KAWA**** ****** / jin**************.jp

Uema*** ****** / hat**************com

KIUC** ****** / nor***************.jp

MATS***** ****** / sac**************com

村上め** / yoo********************.jp

牟*月 / hon****************com

YANG *** **** / ccx***********com

WATA**** ****** / wk_***********com

TAKA**** **** / can************com

오*진 / abc****************com

ZHU J****** / 896*********com

ZENG ** / chi************.kr

WANG **** / pen************.kr

※ Prizes will be mailed to winners on Friday, November 6, 2020.

Mobile gift certificates will be sent to winners’ phones.