

News & Notices

The 15th Global Gathering Event Takes Place Online for One Month from October 11

2020-10-08 714  Views

축제오픈 2020.10.11~한달간 
랜선 페스티벌 Online Festival
제15회 부산세계시민축제 The 15th Global Gathering
개막식 Opening Ceremony
 100인의 부산세계시민단 과 함께하는 온라인 개막식 2020.10.11 14시
Online Opening Ceremony with  100 Global Citizen Representatives of Busan  at 2PM on
October 11
커뮤니티빌리지 Community Village
부산에서 활동하는 외국인 커뮤니티를 소개합니다.
Introduction of Busan Expat Communities 
세계문화영상관 World Culture Theatre 
세계 각국의 요리, 공연 등을 영상으로 즐겨보세요.
Check out the cooking and performance videos at around the world
세계문화전시관 World Culture Exhibition 
온라인 3D전시로 세계문화를 생생하게 보여드려요 
Enjoy the World Culture with Online 3D Exhibition 
부산광역시 Busan Metropolitan City 
부산국제교류재단 Busan Foundation for International Cooperation

The 15th Global Gathering event, the biggest multi-culture festival in Busan, will take place online this year to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The festival is being hosted by Busan Metropolitan City and the Busan Foundation for International Cooperation (BFIC).

With participation from about 35 foreign embassies, consulates and tourist bureaus in the ROK and Busan-based foreign communities, the festival will take place online at http://www.globalgathering.com from October 11th for one month. The website will open to the public on October 11th, 2020. Visitor to the online site can experience world culture, food, traditional music, performances, and more.

Online Festival: 15th Global Gathering

Period: from October 11, 2020 for one month

Where: http://www.globalgathering.com

BFIC Website: http://www.bfic.kr/new/contents/d1.asp?pmode=view&num=15205


Opening Ceremony: Online Opening Ceremony with '100 Global Citizen Representatives of Busan' at 2PM on October 11th

Community Village: Introduction of Busan Expat Communities

World Culture Theatre: Check out the cooking and performance videos from around the world

World Culture Exhibition: Enjoy world culture with an online 3D exhibition