

News & Notices

The City of Busan Designates No-smoking Zones 50 meters around School Entrances

2020-09-11 1649  Views


From September 1, 2020, the City of Busan designated 50-meter zones around school entrances as no-smoking area according to the Busan Metropolitan City ordinance on the creation of smoke-free environments. They are classified as maximum protection areas within educational environment protection zones.

A total of 560 elementary, middle, high and special schools are included in the new designation of no-smoking areas. The city has placed no-smoking notices at the entrances of the designated schools to promote awareness to the public.

After a grace period until November 2020, violators will be reported to the police and charged with a fine of up to 20,000 won.

The city has been designating no-smoking areas in an attempt to reduce smoking rates.

After the city designated bus stops as no-smoking zones in 2011, it added no smoking zones within 10 meters of subway station entrances in 2018 and crosswalks in November 2019.

For more information, please contact the Health Policy Division at (051) 888-3404.