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Busan Biennale 2020, OPEN CALL Audio Book Project: Voices of Busan

2020-06-04 974  Views

Busan Biennale 2020 Audio Book Project with BeFM Busan English Broadcasting
OPEN CALL Voices of Busan
Deadline June 18th
Apply via online form

Busan Biennale 2020 will be held from September 5th to November 8th, 2020, entitled Words at an Exhibition - an exhibition in ten chapters and five poems.

We are looking for 20 unique voices to narrate the audiobook. The featured stories and poems are commissioned works written by writers and poet invited to Busan Biennale 2020 and will be published into a book. With our hope to share with a broad spectrum of audience and invite the audience into the work, we would like to record the stories with the voices of Busan citizens or current residents in Busan.

■ Eligibility : Busan citizens or current foreign residents living in Busan who is over 18

■ Application Deadline : June 18, 2020

■ Number of voices : 20 (10 Korean, 10 English)

■ Application : apply via online → https://forms.gle/34yGFxGVTHwvmKzz9

■ Format of submission : MP3 or WAV

■ Participation Benefits: Honorarium(100,000 won), Certificate of Project Participation, two entry tickets to Busan Biennale 2020(value: 24,000 won), each copy of Busan Biennale 2020 Book and Catalog(participants will be credited in the catalog)

■ For further inquiries, contact 051-503-6572.

Source: http://www.busanbiennale.org/eng/?pCode=notice&mode=view&idx=10501