

News & Notices

Guide on the Installation of 『Self-quarantine Safety Protection App』

2020-04-02 4872  Views

Instructions for Quarantine Subjects (For foreigners)

(April 1, 2020)


Emergency Transportation Measures for Overseas Arrivals to Busan


Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, CDSCHQ
 자가격리자 안전보호 앱  설치 안내 
Guide on the Installation of  Self-quarantine Safety Protection App 
Android http://url.kr/9dqRor
Google Play http://url.kr/5rntzH
APP Store http://url.kr/f7dmWs
입국하신 한국인과 장기체류 외국인은 반드시 행정안전부  자가격리자 안전 보호 앱 을
의무적으로 설치하고, 14일 동안 자가진단 및 자가격리자 생활수칙을 준수하여야 합니다. 
All Koreans and long-stay Foreigners should mandatorily install the  Self-quarantine
Safety Protection App  by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety and abide by the guidelines for 
self-quarantined persons including conducting self-diagnosis for a period of 14 days. 

감염병예방법에 따라 무단이탈 시 아래와 같은 벌칙을 받을 수 있으니, 반드시 생활수칙을 준수하여
주시기 바랍니다.
내국인: 무단이탈 시 징역 1년 이하 또는 1천만원 이하의 벌금 부과 
외국인: 앱 설치거부 및 무단이탈 시 강제 출국 조치
* 검역소에서 자가로 이동 중 필요동선 외로 무단 이탈시에도 검역법에 따라 징역 1년 또는 1천만원
이하 벌금이 부과될 수 있습니다. 
Under the  Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act,  those who leave the designated quarantine area
without permission can face a penalty as follows, so strictly comply with the self-quarantine guidelines.
Korean nationals: Those who leave the quarantine area without permission can be imprisoned up to 
one year or fined up to 10 million won. 
Foreigners: Those who refuse to install the app or leave the quarantine area without permission will be 
immediately deported. 
* Those who leave the necessary route on their way from the quarantine station to home without 
permission can be also imprisoned up to one year or fined up to 10 million won under the  
Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act.  


The Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention has released User manual for 『Self-Quarantine Safety Protection App』 in 5 different languages.

The 5 different languages include Korean, English, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese.

English: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/shBoardView.do?brdId=2&brdGubun=23&ncvContSeq=1677

Chinese: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/shBoardView.do?brdId=2&brdGubun=23&ncvContSeq=1678

Spanish: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/shBoardView.do?brdId=2&brdGubun=23&ncvContSeq=1679

Vietnamese: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/shBoardView.do?brdId=2&brdGubun=23&ncvContSeq=1680

Korean: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/shBoardView.do?brdId=2&brdGubun=23&ncvContSeq=1676