

News & Notices

COVID-19 Guidelines Offered in 14 Different Languages

2020-03-03 2123  Views

COVID-19 Guideline
The general public 
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap running water
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when coughing or sneezing 
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid coming in contact with people having fever or respiratory symptoms 

Be careful especially people who pregnant women, over 65 years old, people with chronic disease
Wear a facemask when visiting a health facility
Avoid visiting a crowded place 

Person with symptoms*
* Person having fever or respiratory symptoms 
Do not go to school or work and avoid outdoor activities 
Take a rest at home and monitor the symptoms for 3-4 days
Visit a triage health center, when fever (>38℃) continues or other symptoms get worse
Consult with KCDC Call Center at 1339, a local code+120 or a local health center
Use a personal vehicle and wear a facemask when visiting a health facility
Inform your healthcare provider of a travel history and contact history with persons with 
respiratory symptoms 
COVID-19 Outbreak reported regions in Korea
Avoid visiting other regions or having outdoor activities and (Person in Isolation) Please 
follow guidance provided by physicians and public health authority 

For more information on COVID-19, visit COVID-19 official homepage ncov.mohw.go.kr 
Issue Date: 2020.2.25

The Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention has made the COVID-19 guidelines available in 14 different languages.

The 14 different languages include Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Russian, Nepali, Lao, Mongolian, Thai, Tagalog, Arabic and Uzbek.

You can download the COVID-19 guidelines attachment through its website.

Website: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/shBoardView.do?brdId=3&brdGubun=32&ncvContSeq=618