

News & Notices

Moment to Be One, TURN TOWARD BUSAN (November 11 at 11:00 a.m.)

2019-11-08 1440  Views

Turn Toward Busan (2018) 

The Turn Toward Busan memorial ceremony will be carried out in the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Busan, Republic of Korea at 11 a.m., on November 11 (Korea Standard Time). The 21 UN allied nations and other countries around the world are all invited to participate in this service from their own respective countries by facing toward Busan and observing one minute of silence at local times that synchronize with the 11 a.m. service in Korea.

The whole world will be united for one minute on November 11th at 11 o'clock (Korea Standard Time) by turning toward Busan where the UN Memorial Cemetery in ROK is located.

Please participate in a one-minute moment of silence in memory of the UN soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the Korean War and pray for world peace.

Turn Toward Busan

“Turn Toward Busan” Memorial Ceremony

○ Date & Time: Sunday, November 11, 2019, 11:00 a.m. (Silent tribute for one minute)

○ Venue: UN Memorial Cemetery

○ About 1,000 participants will attend, including Korean War veterans and bereaved family members

UN forces attended to the Korean War

Countries that dispatched forces (16 countries): U.S.A., U.K, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, France, Turkey, the Philippines, Thailand, Greece, South Africa, Republic of, Ethiopia, Colombia, Belgium, Luxemburg

Countries that sent medical units responsible for treatment and facilities (5 countries):

Sweden, India, Denmark, Norway, Italy