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Special Exhibition: Unveiling the Underwater Treasures in Korea

2019-08-21 701  Views

2019 특별기획전
Special Exhibition
한국의 수중보물, 타임캡슐을 열다
Unveiling the Underwater Treasures in Korea 
2019 8.20TUE-10.6SUN
부산박물관 기획전시실
문화재청 국립해양문화재연구소
National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage 
부산박물관 Busan Museum 


The Busan Museum is jointly hosting the special exhibition 'Unveiling the Underwater Treasures in Korea' with the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage from August 20 to October 6, 2019.

The exhibition introduces the achievements of over 40 years of Korean underwater archaeology and the underwater cultural heritage of Korea, which began with the excavation of the Shinan shipwreck in 1976. 480 selected heritages will be featured in the exhibition to promote the underwater cultural heritage of Korea to the public.

Unveiling the Underwater Treasures in Korea

○ Period: August 20 – October 6, 2019

○ Venue: Busan Museum

○ Opening Hours:

Tue, Wed, Thu and Sun 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Fri, Sat 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.

(Closed every Monday and January 1)

○ Free admission

○ Hosted by: Busan Museum, National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage

○ For more info.: (051)610-7132