

News & Notices

Dongsam-dong Shell Midden Museum Reopens after Its Remodeling.

2019-04-15 776  Views

Dongsam-dong Shell Midden Museum 


The Dongsam-dong Shell Midden Museum has been partially closed due to the remodeling of its exhibition hall since March 4, 2019. The whole museum reopened on Saturday, April 6, 2019 after the completion of its remodeling.

The museum underwent renovations for the first time since its opening in 2002 to provide visitors a pleasant environment and to display numerous ancient Neolithic cultural artifacts from the surrounding Busan area.

Address: 729, Taejong-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan

Website: https://museum.busan.go.kr/eng/dsmintro01

For more information, please contact the museum at (051)403-1193