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2018 Busan Museum Special Exhibition: Documents on Joseon Tongsinsa

2018-10-29 978  Views


2018 Busan Museum Special Exhibition
부산박물관 개관 40주년/
통신사 기록물 UNESCO  세계기록유산 등재 1주년 기념 
Documents on Joseon Tongsinsa
2018 10.25 Thu - 11.25 Sun 
부산박물관 기획전시실
17~19세기 한일간 평화구축과 문화교류의 역사 
The History of Peace Building and Cultural Exchanges between Korea and
Japan from the 17th to 19th Century 
Busan Museum  


The documents on Joseon Tongsinsa are a symbol of a peaceful heritage, not only for ROK and Japan, but also for East Asia and the world. These documents have world significance in fostering permanent peace and cross-cultural communication.


The Busan Museum hosts, the ‘Documents on Joseon Tongsinsa’ exhibition to commemorate the 40th anniversary of its opening and the first anniversary of ‘Documents on Joseon Tongsinsa’ being listed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. ‘The History of Peacebuilding and Cultural Exchanges between Korea and Japan from the 17th to 19th Century’ exhibition features about 115 documents on Joseon Tongsinsa from Japan and the Republic of Korea.


2018 Busan Museum Special Exhibition: Documents on Joseon Tongsinsa

The History of Peacebuilding and Cultural Exchanges between Korea and Japan from the 17th to 19th Century

Period: October 25 – November 25, 2018

○ Venue: Busan Museum  

   Address: 63, UN pyeonghwa-ro, Nam-gu, Busan

  Directions: 10-minute Walk from Daeyeon Station Exit 3 or 5, Metro line 2

○ Opening Hours: 9 a.m. ~ 6 p.m. (Closed on Mondays)

○ Free admission

○ For more info.: (051)610-7142